Anniversary update - Speculation thread

Given that we've all been very disappointed with the past updates since the game's release, my expectations are extremely low. Ideally I'd love a ton of new furniture items (like what we got in the amiibo update in NL) but I doubt that will happen. It would also be cool if we got a huge farming and cooking haul that would add a new aspect to the game (like crafting). Pumpkins being introduced in the Halloween update was the one update/event I truly enjoyed, and it would be awesome if a bunch of new crops & recipes were added. I also think the addition of mini games in the form of Kapp'ns island would be huge for ACNH. I know a lot of people (or at least myself) are getting bored with ACNH and we no longer play everyday, and a think if Nintendo gave ACNH a major makeover they could bring a lot of players back to the game and maybe even attract new ones.

Realistically tho I'm guessing we'll get some sort of "celebratory" furniture set/series of 11 or 12 items, and then maybe a few (5 or 6) new seasonal items for spring. They might have an "anniversary event" on March 20th that will probably be the "same old same old" in terms of event structure. I hope I'm wrong of course and they'll do something big that will surprise us, but again, after being disappointed so many times my expectations can't get any lower.
Honestly, when I saw the Sanrio update my heart sank. Like, I'm happy for those who are going to purchase the cards and invite the villagers, but I don't care about any of them except for Étoile, maybe, but I'm certainly not buying the pack only for one character. I don't care about most of the items either. I must be the only one here, I know, but still.
I feel the same way, I don't care about the new villagers and I also don't care about the mario items. My expectations are very low, but I wish we could at least get Brewster, a new Nook's Crany expansion and some furniture series we had in WW and NL that are missing (and I do realize my expectations are not low at all haha)
I feel the same way, I don't care about the new villagers and I also don't care about the mario items. My expectations are very low, but I wish we could at least get Brewster, a new Nook's Crany expansion and some furniture series we had in WW and NL that are missing (and I do realize my expectations are not low at all haha)
Your expectations will be met, it's just a matter of when. From what I've been told with Brewster at least he's in the code. He is there, it's just a waiting game. I'm in a different boat; I want a certain villager that won't happen given I can't see Nintendo ever deciding on a Ghost Trick Animal Crossing crossover.
I know a lot of people were disappointed that there was no mention of the 1 year anniversary in the recent direct, but I wonder if they're planning on doing a direct solely for ACNH's anniversary. Similar to how they handled Pokemon's 25th anniversary today. I'd be really surprised if they don't have any plans to celebrate.

I do hope we finally get Brewster. It feels like we've been waiting ages for him. I'm also hoping for a Nook Cranny's update.
I want more shops but I agree with you that I don't think Leif needs his own shop.

I think to justify an additional building on the island it needs to be something you can visit every day, and I don't think anyone really needs Leif every day (aside from just to look at him because he's so cute). I think that what they've done in regards to Leif is definitely a step up from NL because we can just buy in bulk when he comes around instead of only being able to buy 2 lousy shrubs a day.
Leif moved in with the Nooklings for NL. So they could do that again and just expand the shop, but make it the same size from outside. And he could sell a different kind of fruit and other things. That way you don't really have to go out and trade if you just don't feel like it.
i really don't see nintendo doing an anniversary update. the game will have support / content updates coming for a few years still and i just don't see them doing a huge update just because the game has been out for a year. i'd love to be wrong about this, but i don't think i am.
The thing about the one year anniversary is that it is "close" to the franchise's anniversary. I do believe we will get some kind of large update between March and April.
I have hopes and dreams but absolutely zero expectations that they will actually happen

I wish that 2.0 would bring MASSIVE additions to the game. Like Tortimer's Island/mini games, Brewster, Gracie, and other missing npcs. And more Nooks upgrades.

I want it to be like...Wow, you've spent so much time and effort developing this island from nothing. Now everyone far and wide has heard about it and wants to come check it out. I would love it if we could gain access to sub islands to develop and decorate for new shops and npcs.
The thing about the one year anniversary is that it is "close" to the franchise's anniversary. I do believe we will get some kind of large update between March and April.
Metroid's 35th was this month as well and I am still waiting on some kind of news or even acknowledgment.

It's so sad to see how excited and optimistic we all were when this game came out and now our expectations are so low. The NH crew needs to take that as a sign and kick it in gear.
Metroid's 35th was this month as well and I am still waiting on some kind of news or even acknowledgment.

It's so sad to see how excited and optimistic we all were when this game came out and now our expectations are so low. The NH crew needs to take that as a sign and kick it in gear.
I think people also forget the effect of the pandemic on stuff too... and how unexpectedly well that new horizons boomed
I think there will be some acknowledgement of the anniversary, but I'm not sure it'll be a big update. I think it's more likely that we just get a letter in the mail from Nintendo saying something like "thanks for playing with us this past year" and a new item attached.

I'd love to see Brewster and gyroids though! I think we will eventually.
I'm not sure everything will appear in the same time, but here you can find some of my expectations, and of course what most of us are waiting for:
- Brewster and gyroïds, because if I remember well, he gave gyroïds, no? I can't imagine him without them, especially if they have a special place in the museum as some people previously said.
- Shop update with new furniture to collect, because without that, a new shop would be useless.
- Maybe Flicks, Label or Leif joining the two different shops for letting more npc enters!
- Maybe new npc, I mean old one we never saw: the lady who gave you your future for example, the two alpagas... I want to see them return for other reason than their wedding because I miss the way to customise items with gold, silver etc.
- The return of old fruits? Banana, durians...
- Maybe another island to visit as we did in NL. I really pray for it because I took more pleasure going there even if it was all the time the same island than going on mystery one. Good way to earn bells, mini-games really fun where you can find flowers, fruits, something different, and the mermaid serie maybe here different. How can they just delete this great island on an island game?
- Maybe some improvements: possibility to craft several items, to buy different piece of clothing...

Or maybe nothing and just the Sanrio update. It could be possible, but very disappointing.
I know we shouldn’t really expect much of anything, but if we’re just speculating/hoping, here’s what I’d be interested in:

•A new area to visit, be it a Club Tortimer-esque minigame area or a shopping center akin to the city from City Folk. This would be a great area to add some returning NPCs as well. I really don’t want them to be actually *on* the island, but it would be easy to re-introduce Kapp’n and have him stay in a little boat by the docks.

•Introduction of new everyday furniture, not necessarily event-exclusive furniture. I’d like to see some of Gracie’s sets, the regal set, and maybe some of the funny-looking furniture like the astro or robo series (I think that’s what they were called).

•General quality of life updates... bulk crafting, bulk NMT purchase, and swifter wi-fi sessions!
Another "community" island, whether it's a city of shops (where we even see other players) or a Mini-game island, would be a lot of fun and it just makes sense. I feel like the pier we have has to be used for something...
Still holding on to the unreleased content found in the datamine. Also April Fool's Day.

This year should be focused on more gameplay content and not just holiday updates. Brewster, gyroids, Kapp'n and returning furniture sets would be a a nice start.
I've said this on another thread and I'll say it again here it's very unlikely that they will give us an anniversary update they seem to be only focusing on adding any new stuff to the game rather than just improving the game or even bringing back some of the things that people have been wanting for a long time. Nintendo was just being themselves by what they think is new and fresh and not willing to even introduce quality of life changes or anything that people have been wanting for quite some time.
I’m still confused about why people even think there will be an anniversary events/items.

I was wondering this too but I'm guessing it's because Pocket Camp had one? We definitely don't get even half of the special treatment Pocket Camp does with New Horizons though which is another reason why I still don't think we'll get one.
Nook's Cranny's 3rd upgrade, farming, Blanca and regular NPC having their own building etc., for spring
Kapp'n and Tortimer for summer
Brewster and the Roost for fall
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