Another FANMADE video of ACNH quality of life updates

Besides the boxes behind your house, which would probably cause problems at worst and being annoying to deal with house placements at best, I like the majority of the ideas. I feel the "outside storage" should be an item similar to the mailbox, where you can move it anywhere and doesn't mess with the house size.

I loved the video but at the same time hated it. Nintendo, please... 🥺
I think for outside storage the locker-system from new leaf should be re-introduced sitting just outside the airport or at the plaza even!
A nice wishlist, but some things probably aren't technically possible... (Like the delay entering a room, or playing during the visitor arrival screen.) That's not to say they haven't designed and built it in the clunkiest way possible, but probably too difficult to change now.

The airport dialogue experience should be improved. It needs to be a lot more straightforward and speedy. And if you're already connected to the internet, you shouldn't have to disconnect and reconnect when you want to do something else or change a setting.

The online auction house would be wonderful and probably my favorite feature ever.

One small QoL feature that I'd love added is when you craft something and are holding it up, you are given the option to customize it right away instead of stopping and having to reinteract with the diy table. The fish bait has an easy solution... just add a bulk fish bait recipe. After crafting 25 bait, you get an automatic recipe for 10 clams makes 10 bait. No need for more menu choices.
If people are making ways to make your game way better, and it’s not satir, you’re doing something wring
If people are making ways to make your game way better, and it’s not satir, you’re doing something wring

I feel like the developers for this game would never be able to do it right, then. There are already many features in the video that don't make a lot of sense (look at the whole custom shop thing! That's not quality of life, it's complicated and not that useful). This game just seems to have a certain style of doing things, and a very demanding community that does not always appreciate that style. :p

But yes, a portion of the stuff in videos like these are features that they should have been able to come up with and implement themselves...
I understand it's overwhelming to get so much quality of life feedback and then have to work on coding to change it around, but man, these videos are a little upsetting because the game could be so much better.

Also, the Able Sisters changing room, among many other grindy things... why? Whose idea was it to make us buy/craft things one by one, and then not fix it still? I understand the coding needed and the time to change it, but what's the reason to not implement buying multiples at once in the first place?

Unfortunate :(

I still love the game though, and I've done grinding in other games, but I wish grinding wasn't needed in a relaxing game like AC. I don't want my thumbs to hurt if I want to craft lots of bait.
This definitely made me sad when I saw it. I WISH we could have the bulk crafting options, speedier airport service and the ability to buy more things at once at Ables!

And while it's an easy-ish fix when I kick away my custom paths, but when you share an island having to fix them when someone else kicks them away is annoying. They definitely should be like default paths.
Watched both videos! They did an AMAZING job on the editing 😍

My favorites from the videos would be:
- Additional Custom Pattern slots
- Buying multiple clothing from Able Sisters
- Speeding up dialogue
- Using materials from your storage for crafting
- Finding NPC/visitor on your island by typing their name

Since these are all very simple, I'm sure it wouldn't take long for Nintendo to actually make them (but they're pretty stubborn so not sure if they will actually do it...)