Any rules as to who you let move onto your island?

Do you have any strict rules you follow whenever you are choosing who to allow onto your island?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 55.3%
  • No

    Votes: 34 44.7%

  • Total voters
I think I'm not strict. Along with having at least one of every personality, I tend to choose villagers that remind me of somebody or something I enjoy in real life like Skye reminds me of my mom (because they share name) or Zucker because my boyfriend loves takoyaki
Man I tried to do a strict all-cats island but burned out so badly on those hunts, hah. (Of course, after resetting, I seem to have no problem running into cats on hunts anymore...)

My current set of rules are:

  • One of each personality; the two "leftover" slots can be free, personality-wise, although preferably not both the same.
  • No repeat villagers between my two islands, although I will perhaps make an exception for Dom if I encounter him on a mystery island naturally -- otherwise, I plan on moving him over to Inverness later.
  • No villagers that have previously given me their photos, on either island.
Other than that, I definitely have some ideas about who I want as permanent residents on both islands -- Muir Wood is pretty much set, other than a replacement down the line for Dom; for Inverness, I'd like the lineup to include Dobie, Muffy, Sherb, Dom, Judy, and Lily for sure. The other four slots are all kind of open for whomever catches my eye on a hunt.
Not really. I'm not too fussed about personality types, and the only real rule I have is that I won't get a villager if I already have their photo. I just pick who I like and run with it, and if I grow attached, keep them.
I don't have a rule, but I do try to make sure I move in a personality type I don't have. I try not to have more than two villagers of any 1 personality (to keep it fresh and to receive different kinds of DIY).

Once I receive a villager's picture, I let them move away.
I don't really have any rules, most often I'll pick the villagers that I find cutest as they're the ones I feel most attached to and enjoy seeing on my island, I'm currently working my way through a list of villagers that I want to get a photo from so I guess I'm strict at the moment with villager hunting as I'll only take a villager from that group. In regards to personality though I'm easy as I'm not a big fan of the Uchi or Jock villagers so I'm happy enough not having them on my island, any villagers of those personalities would likely only be temporary till I got their photos. The other personalities I try and keep at 2 max so the dialogue doesn't get too repetitive but I'd make an allowance for snooty villagers, if there were 3 I really wanted on the island, as its my favourite personality.
the only rule i have is that their house exterior has to fit the theme of my island ;-;
I don’t really have any tbh, and I don’t really care about personality types considering I have 4 lazy villagers atm :’]
I used to have a list of villagers I wanted on my island but I'm at the point now where I'm willing to let most of my villagers move out so I can have some variety. And I'd say I'm accepting of most villagers, there are some I can't stand and would rather keep them off my island but I'm open minded to most of them.

I also like a variety of personalities and prefer to have one of every personality on my island at once. Having too many of the same gets stale quick.
i don't because i'm kinda weird about villagers, like i might think i hate one but 1 small thing will completely change my mind so i'm not too picky because who knows, maybe i'll like em

for example, i hated lily because she was a frog but then i thought to myself "why do i hate frogs?"
so i got her amiibo and invited her to my campsite and thought "omg she's so cute"
i thought the same with ducks, hippos and rhinos actually, my mind is just a pretty weird place lol
i'm trying to get rid of all the negativity in my head and animal crossing seems to be pretty helpful 😂

but anyway, i have no rules when choosing villagers
if i'm island hopping, i don't stop if i see someone i like, i only stop when i see someone i haven't had, when i'm out of nmt or just when i'm bored
The only real rules I have are that I want to make sure I have 1 of every personality on my island, and no more than 1 of any given species on my island. That way my villagers remain as diverse as can be, lol. I'm not opposed to bringing back a villager I had before but let go, even if I have their photo, though I haven't really run into that yet which is kind of fortunate, lol. I've also been replacing my villagers solely through campsite visitors as well, though that's not really a rule of mine, more just that's the easiest way for me to get a villager that fits within the rules I've set up.
my only ‘rules’ for villagers on my island is I always have at least one of each personality, and always an even split of boys and girls. so usually if a villager moves out I replace them with someone of the same personality, or if they were a dupe then someone of the same gender! although if I came across someone I really loved and wanted I’d for sure bypass the ‘rules’
I have a rule of "must be a natural looking villager", so as much as I LOVEEE Chrissy and Francine, they don't get to be on my island. The closest I've come to breaking it is having Reneigh, but I just couldn't help it.
After deciding to make my main New Leaf town a horror-themed town and choosing residents who I felt fit that theme well, I got a few extra copies and formed the habit of deciding on themes to base towns around and choosing specific villagers who fit whatever theme I'd decided on. I did the same thing in New Horizons, I chose 10 residents who fit the theme well and then went about acquiring them specifically. Residents are typically permanent, but sometimes I either get tired of a specific resident or I see a resident who I think might fit the theme as well or who didn't make the initial cut and then swap them in.
At this point I try to let in villagers I have never had before from previous files / games that interest me. I am not picky about what personality anymore unlike in acnl.
My only rule is that I do not allow any villagers with ugly eyesore exteriors like this on my island.
(sorry Ankha)

I respect you holding to your convictions, but ngl, I think that exterior is amazing :p! I wish I could have all orange, yellow, and other bright colored exteriors.🌞
Two Rules:
1. Share a birthday or name with a close family member, and/or
2. I like the way they look.

I've had Rodney, Mott, and Cyrano qualify under #1, and Judy, Gonzo, Angus, Violet, Audie, Julian, and a slew of others qualify under the or #2.

Stitches, Molly, Jeremiah, and Merengue fit the rare qualification of both rules applying at the same time.
I am VERY VERY picky.

- They have to be someone I like, at least. I’m not particularly fond of a lot of species so I tend to mostly stick to Cats, Rabbits, Wolves, Squirrels, Deer, Cubs (not Bears), Ducks, Frogs.
- I must have all 8 personalities at any given time. The remaining two slots can vary.
- For personality types that will have a double, I prefer them to be of different subtypes for variety.
- I don’t like the fitness hobby. I’m turned off if the villager I’ve been eyeing turns out to have that hobby. I might not end up getting them.
- Once they’re moved in, I have to feel a connection to them. It’s weird because they’re pixels and they’re basically the same thing with just different “skins” but some villagers tend to connect with me more than others. It doesn’t matter how popular they are, if they don’t connect with me, I’ll let them move. That’s why I’ve let go of a few top tier villagers. (e.g. Tangy, KiKi, Pekoe, Audie, Sherb, Dom etc.)

However, I still have a lot of villagers that I want to experience living with so I keep two villager slots strictly for rotation so I can keep things exciting.
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I just invite who I like or someone that I find interesting. I don't mind having repeat personalities or species.
I am super strict about who I bring onto my island. Pretty much every one of my villagers has come onto my island via amiibo because I generally am looking for lots of specific villagers. My general guidelines are:
  • Must be some type of bird villager (Songbird, ostrich, duck, eagle, chicken, or penguin) though I'm considering breaking this rule and allowing one non-bird villager to come and act as my resident ornithologist of sorts (Any excuse to finally get Reneigh on my island<3)
  • Within this rule, I need a fairly even spread of every species. The most of one species I've ever had is 3 (Ostriches, which also tend to envelope individual species themselves) while always having at least 1 of each of the five species (Never cannot have at least one songbird, duck, eagle, ostrich, chicken, and penguin on my island).
  • Every personality type must be represented. With how repetitive the dialogue can be, I go crazy thinking about having any less than all eight personality types (Plus the two extras) on my island.
  • Along this line, I like if the hobbies are varied as well. This one I'm laxer on, but since the hobbies are a great baseline way for me to distinguish villagers from each other, having varied hobbies is something I do look for. Specifically with the villagers that I have multiple personalities of (Ex: Cranston and Egbert are both lazy, but Cranston is my nature and science king while Egbert is the more childish and goofy type of lazy with his play hobby).