anyone else feel bad about leaving islands with popular villagers?

Honestly, I find it funny more than anything else 😂 If someone is going to be "YOU REALLY LEFT SO AND SO", well then they probably have bigger issues.

We all have our different tastes! If someone likes a villager due to their popularity, that is A-okay with me! But back when Raymond was popular, you would be shunned if you ever let him go. It was ridiculous.
tbh i get this
last year i ditched tangy on an island without realising she was my cousin's dreamie, then she got upset for a whole week 😅
she's only 5 but because of that i just get awkward leaving popular villagers
tbh i get this
last year i ditched tangy on an island without realising she was my cousin's dreamie, then she got upset for a whole week 😅
she's only 5 but because of that i just get awkward leaving popular villagers
Ooh, I understand that. I was hunting for Julian, and I came across one of my friend's dreamies, Zucker. FOUR. TIMES. I felt bad about leaving him because she had been searching for him for ages, but she was totally cool with it.

However I felt even worse when I didn't end with Julian and had to settle for... Olaf.
Meh, no. If I'm not personally fond of them, I have no problem walking away. Maybe if I were a cycler or something, then I would? Of if one of my friends wanted someone, then I'd grab them.
I feel a little guilty when I had to pass up on a villager I like. I'm like, "Oh man, I'm so sorry, but it's not your time yet. Someday. I'll invite you to my island someday." Then regrets it because I wasn't able to find the villager I wanted in the end... T______T

My most recent island hopping was last year, Dec. 27th, when I was looking for Raymond. I wasn't a huge fan of this cat, but I thought I'd try having him on my island. I still got him though, but I had to pass up on Lolly, Stitches, Wolgang, Judy, Zucker, Tangy, Molly, Kyle, Marshal & Merengue.
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Absolutely not. I don’t like 90% of them. I’ve had Marina, Judy, and a few others on mystery islands and I happily left them there lol

The only popular villager I did not pass up was Raymond and that’s because my friend wanted him. So I went through the process of moving him in and moving him out for her. She’s lucky I like her lmao
Not gonna lie, I did feel bad at first but then I didn't. You see, the other day I spent 230 NMT island hopping for Graham. He wasn't on any mystery island. However, I did come across many popular characters like Judy, Ankah, Marina (she appeared 5 times), and etc.

As I pondered whether to choose one and get a deal later, I remembered that I didn't know a thing about cycling villagers.
Then I looked up the process to move out villagers and decided that it is too complicated for me to understand. I ended up buying Graham on Nookazon instead. Luckily, the trade went smoothly.
i haven’t run into too many popular villagers but i feel you. i also feel bad whenever i run into a villager that i’ve seen someone else looking for but i’m personally not interested in. i try not to beat myself up over it too much but it definitely has me feeling a bit 🥴 at times.
usually when I island hop I have a specific personality in mind so I'll feel bad if I leave a villager that I otherwise would love to have but they're just not who I'm looking for at the time. other than that I usually leave 'popular' villagers if I'm not interested in them, i might take them in to give to someone else depending on my mood
No. Coming across a popular villager you do not want does not mean you are under any obligation to take them. Especially not if your sole reason for doing so is because you feel like you have to give them to someone else - you owe the community nothing.
I’ve left all of the new villagers multiple times, I left Judy 5 times, before I saw her in someone’s town and fell for her, so I invited her on the 6th time.
Same here, I met Raymond on an island and really dislike him. But if someone needed him? So I hesitated a lot taking him or not and finally left the island without him. Same for Bluebear I already had few weeks ago; I miss her but I'm not sure I want her anymore even if she's really cute.

The other villagers, I don't know. I'm looking for my dreamies, as soon as possible. I have no time to take x villager to eventualy make someone happy later. I hope this doesn't sound too selfish haha
I did feel a little bad, at first at least, especially when I saw villagers multiple times that I knew were highly sought after.

but at the end of the day it is just so much work, and they are villagers I simply do not want on my island and with how active the villager trading part of the forum is, very unnecessary. Especially with villagers who have amiibos.

but I do think it is so funny how the luck always gives you the popular villagers you don’t want. So many people who dislike Judy and like Raymond seem to be innundated with Judys and vice versa.

and naturally I am always running into Diana and merengue and Audie but never Agnes (eventually amiiboed her in) or Willow or Rodney - and I kept finding Melba but never Sydney, until earlier this week (still excited about that)
I don't feel bad but I'm like "oh, I'm lucky! Someone would love to be in my shoes"
But if they don't interest me, I'll just leave them there
In the middle of searching for Judy, so far I’ve left behind Marina, Lucky, Apollo twice, Stitches, Reneigh, Punchy, and Octavion.

It does make me feel a but guilty for a few like Marina and Lucky, like, ‘why don’t I cut my losses here and get a cute villager.’ Otherwise I can leave behind ones I don’t care for pretty easy.
I guess I think about what could've been but I never feel bad about it. I'd rather fill up the spot on my island with someone I'm less apprehensive to take/one I actually like.

However I do remember when I first got the game I took on Sherb purely because of the hype surrounding him lol
Closer to launch I got Sherb from an island purely because I wanted to give him away to someone who really wanted him.

I'll be honest and say as a non time traveller it was... quite the hassle. He didn't want to budge from my island for such a long time. I also had a really hard time bonding with him since I couldn't gift him things and all I could ever see him as was temporary.

Just today I did an island hop session lasting 54 islands and I bonked in to both Judy (5th island) and Dom (??th island). I have to say I felt no remorse leaving them behind. I just could not see myself repeating the process I had to go through with Sherb.​
I took Octavian very early into the game because I thought octopus were rare. It took me a long time to get rid of him, so I don’t think I’ll be doing that anymore.
Nah, I never feel bad. I'm not a big fan of most of the popular villagers and much prefer ones that are lesser known, so I've skipped a few without remorse. My favorite island find in fact was Del and I'm so glad that I found him! :D
I haven't found too many ~super popular~ ones yet, I'm not actually super picky with villagers so I guess I tend to find someone to fill my plot before I get too far down the rabbit hole haha. But I have found some of the older popular villagers that I'm just not crazy about and it is kind of hard to walk away?? It makes no sense because it's like well I don't want them so who cares if someone else does? I mean I guess I could get them just to try to sell them, but ain't nobody got time for that haha. In general, I feel kinda bad just leaving villagers all alone on their tiny deserted island. I guess they chose to vacation there but still, not the most fun spot to be alone pfft.
yes! i've gotten ankha twice before and both time i wished i could've given her to someone who likes her