Anyone else find villager's singing to be kind of annoying?

Do you find villager's singing to be kind of annoying?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 14 15.1%
  • No, it's cute ❤

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Idk, I play my game muted

    Votes: 13 14.0%

  • Total voters

Blood Eclipse

𖤐 ♱ 𖤐
Jul 30, 2019
Flick Halloweaster Egg
Moonlight Halloweaster Egg
Bloodshot Potion
Happy Ditto Easter Egg
Voodoo Doll
The first time I saw Marina sing, I thought it was the cutest thing ever, and I loved the new animation and the cute voice singing a random tune. After a few months (and hiding a few radios behind furniture to add special theme music to certain areas) I keep bumping into villagers singing and now I kind of find their high pitch voices to be grating. I try avoiding villagers that are singing if I'm exploring my town and trying to come up with new ideas for decorating. I don't know... am I the only one who finds their singing kind of annoying?
I find the cranky singing voice annoying. It just doesn’t seem to match them at all, at least it doesn’t for Roscoe. The first time I heard him I didn’t mind it though did not think it matched him well, but now I am sick of him singing. I do like seeing and hearing my other villagers sing, though I wish they would sing the song of the music player they are closest to and not ones that are far away from them.
Only if there isn't a song playing for them to sing along with. However my feline overlords are not fans of K.K. Slider or any of the other villagers singing for some reason, lol! I didn't vote as my answer was "other" :)
It hasn't become actively annoying for me yet, even though they seem to only ever want to sing Animal City despite there being plenty of other songs playing around my island. Rodney is somehow very cute when he sings. I also have Roscoe, and I think him having the music hobby is a little weird, but I'm used to it now I guess
I have three music hobby villagers on my island so... it's very lively around here lol. I think it's adorable when Tabby sings but sometimes I'll see my music villagers competing with each other and singing different songs in close proximity so that gets kind of annoying. There's definitely some rivalry going on between Tabby and Ursala. I really wish to hear some of my other villagers sing because I think the lazy/normal/snooty/jock voices are actually really cute, but my singers are peppy/uchi/and cranky. Peppy and uchi seem really high pitched compared to the other female personalities? Maybe they are all the same and I can't tell?? And crankies are well... just strange 🤣

But with the new update I can finally do this so it's not too bad:

It's actually my favorite hobby but I only have 2 music hobby villagers now instead of the 4-5 I had before. So its rarer because of that and that I now play less so I still find it enjoyable. I love it when there's a choir at the plaza.
I have three music hobby villagers on my island so... it's very lively around here lol. I think it's adorable when Tabby sings but sometimes I'll see my music villagers competing with each other and singing different songs in close proximity so that gets kind of annoying. There's definitely some rivalry going on between Tabby and Ursala. I really wish to hear some of my other villagers sing because I think the lazy/normal/snooty/jock voices are actually really cute, but my singers are peppy/uchi/and cranky. Peppy and uchi seem really high pitched compared to the other female personalities? Maybe they are all the same and I can't tell?? And crankies are well... just strange 🤣

But with the new update I can finally do this so it's not too bad:

I was under the impression that all female villagers share the same singing voice, and then smug/jock/lazies share their voice while the cranky voice is unique. I'd at least have been interested to hear a unique variant of singing voice for either uchi or snooty, if not unique variants for all of them, but honestly I'd just love if they could stay on key better 😂
I usually play with my game muted so it doesn't usually bother me much, I love seeing them in the plaza singing though especially when they have a little audience
I was under the impression that all female villagers share the same singing voice, and then smug/jock/lazies share their voice while the cranky voice is unique. I'd at least have been interested to hear a unique variant of singing voice for either uchi or snooty, if not unique variants for all of them, but honestly I'd just love if they could stay on key better 😂

Maybe it's because it's so rare to hear them sing that I didn't notice, haha. I heard Jambette sing once and I wish she'd sing for longer because it was so cute, but she ran away as soon as I started filming 😂
It'a annoying that they only ever seem to sing the song I started last, no matter where they are on the island.

And I'm REALLY not a fan of the cranky singing voice, but between Cyd and Marshal, guess which one is singing all the time?
I was the same! Marina was the first one I found singing too and i thought it was so adorable at first and I'm yet to get sick of it, give me a month or two and we'll see haha
I find it annoying now yeah. Same as you, it was nice at first but it's just sort of irritating now. Mostly because I'd prefer them to do things around my town rather than just at the town square :/
Only one of my villagers sing currently. I don’t notice It enough for it to become annoying. If I loaded my game every day and found villagers singing everywhere I went, then I may want to walk away though!
Nope. i rather find it cute. But maybe when there are more than 2 villagers with singing as their hobby, that's when it gets annoying