Anyone successfully island hopped for Raymond?

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It's possible! It did take a long time and was like finding a needle in a haystack though. I'd say it took me about 200-250 trips in a row to find him when I was specifically hunting for him. It's all RNG though.
Do you know if your chances of getting someone like Raymond or Judy is higher when you do trips in a row or do you feel like it won't matter if you skip days and look again?
It's definitely something all up to chance, you could get really lucky and get him on one ticket, or it could take thousands. Island hopping is fun for me though, so I don't mind! I love seeing who is on each island!
Do you know if your chances of getting someone like Raymond or Judy is higher when you do trips in a row or do you feel like it won't matter if you skip days and look again?

I don't know for sure. I felt like I saw more variety and less repeats as I went but I can't confirm that it's an actual thing in the game.