The initial data mine did show among other things (that did end up to be true) that there is some kind of plan for a café. Whether it be in the Museum or it's own building. IIRC, v1.7 shows that Katrina may be coming back soon.
Many things has been literally copy / pasted from New Leaf. I can still some "mess" in the game, small bits but it's clearly indicating many things has been not looked at properly.
Data mining is only proving something is in the code, no more, no less. I know this from my experience as well as others. If you will be data miner and if you will dig in code of game I created you will find some things not included in my final release and you could have false impression I will release this in the future, but I won't. I just had some ideas, I thought they may be good, but finally I dropped them and replaced with something else.
Good example of comparing dreams to reality is recent update, where we finally got Resetti... but as figurine. Can anyone say now, we don't have Resetti?
I said on another thread that Brewster and The Roost were specifically mentioned by villagers back in April 2020 with coloured names. I highly doubt Nintendo would let dialogue like that in the game with his name coloured if they weren't planning on adding him at some point. They removed the dialogue thus far, so it's possible they could scrap the ideas for Brewster and The Roost, but I don't think Brewster is 100% ruled out honestly. If anything, there's a higher chance of him or a new pigeon coming back than not.
This does not prove Brewster coming back, I know. These pics could even be fake. But to say he is 100% not coming back is also a little too far-fetched if you ask me. Especially also considering data mines. Things can indeed be scrapped, but at the same time, you can't really ever prove that Brewster is coming back because we will never know until enough time passes.
If it's 2022 with no Brewster, then yes the chance begins to get slimmer. But it's 2021 with
many missing NPCs, so we don't really know if they're continuing to add them throughout this year or forgetting about them completely just yet...
I'm no NH enthusiast, but no one can really assume things yet. That goes both ways.
As someone mentioned this before it was a dialogue related to visiting / hosting. I don't have a screenshots, because back then I considered this as irrelevant, however dialogues not proving anything.
I'm interested in your confidence that the game will not be playable after a year. Typically I would agree that the past games, including and before NL, did have the disadvantage of after one year there is the potential every year will be extremely similar, but one thing NH has over past games is the ability to change things up every year through updates. I've said it before, I agree NH should step up its content and match NL's amount of things to do, but I've also said that I believe NH also doesn't need to because I find it to be a great game even with some features missing that were in NL. Either way, I think NH will be a game of new discoveries for at least a couple years while NL is basically set in stone the way it is.
Also, I'd like to know your opinion of NH when you first played it. Did you love it for a while and then grow bored? Or did you never really like it? I figure you must've liked some part of it if it convinced you to try NL. I ask because I'm not sure comparing 10 months of NH to less than a month of NL is a very fair comparison.
I will try to explain as well as elaborate what I said earlier. My "confidence" regarding to lack of playability after one year should be expressed like "one year + about 2,000 hours", where everything has been seen, experienced and all (or at least most) achievements have been completed. In my opinion will be no point to play any longer.
I think about NL the same, it's not a single accusation towards NH.
I consider myself lucky, as I laid my hands on NL, when has been completed, so now I'm comparing version 1.5, not earlier one.
Would you like to know my opinion? I will be more than happy to answer that.
First of all, word "love" is reserved for living creatures (people, animals), not for a things, including art, music, software etc. I can use word "like" instead.
My first contact with AC (as a franchise) was at some point in July / August 2020, NH wasn't my first AC game but the first one, I spent so many hours. I'm playing actively since late August / early September 2020 every single day. Until the end of 2020 I had not enough time to spend more time with other AC, but I had some experience already and have my opinion.
I liked, I like NH and never been bored. If this feeling will come to me, I would definitely stop playing - any game, not only AC.
I did not playing 10 months, but let's assume I started on the begin of September 2020, so now it gives me only 5 months. In the meantime I was playing NL, sometimes couple days, sometimes week or so, but in the New Year's Eve I was started to play NL every single day, keep playing NH. So, I'm comparing 5 months of NH experience to one month of NL experience.
This month was more than enough (for now) to compare everything has happened in January in NH and NL. I was clearly expressed, comparing those two, I more enjoy New Year's celebration in NH than NL.
There's many things I dislike in NL, I'm not a blind fanatic trying to prove NL is the best ever. For example, I dislike:
- Small screen of 3DS
- No TV output
- Lack of ability to see an item in storage
- Lack of auto-stack (fruits)
- Small inventory
- Poor visibility of art when attempting to buy from Redd's Gallery...
... and many more.
However, I can compare what we have in NH... or how much has been taken out, comparing to what we got. I wouldn't mind if NH would be crated from scratch, as completely new game with new idea, but when we got so many things copied and pasted from NL, and when many people are almost worshipping Nintendo for summer update, because we got Redd's, Art Gallery in Museum and diving, I can't be quiet and I'm saying it's what we got in the past, and it's nothing refreshing.
As a summary, something positive: