Approaching the One Year Anniversary, what will you think if there aren't any big updates coming?

I'm certain there won't be an anniversary update too. But I've already decided I'm taking an entire year break from the game so that there's a years worth of updates for when I return. Stopped in Sept baring an odd day here/there to help friends and played the toy day event.
Honestly I may do the same, not take a year but just stop playing until a substantial update comes out. It'll be as if you're waiting for the game the actually release, and it'll be nice to come back and discover new things, just like when you first buy a new AC game
i doubt there will ever be a good update at this point but literally, i just want old furniture, clothes, npcs and villagers
they don't need to bring in anything new just bring back old things 😔

also at some point i wanna see flick and cj on my island at the same time with a mix of a fishing & bug event, idc what it is, i just wanna see them both lol 💕
I've been thinking about it, and I think that the big update will come in summer, even though the anniversary is in March, more people will have free time during the summer time, so I think that they are waiting so more people come back to the game.
Many things has been literally copy / pasted from New Leaf. I can still some "mess" in the game, small bits but it's clearly indicating many things has been not looked at properly.
Data mining is only proving something is in the code, no more, no less. I know this from my experience as well as others. If you will be data miner and if you will dig in code of game I created you will find some things not included in my final release and you could have false impression I will release this in the future, but I won't. I just had some ideas, I thought they may be good, but finally I dropped them and replaced with something else.
Good example of comparing dreams to reality is recent update, where we finally got Resetti... but as figurine. Can anyone say now, we don't have Resetti?

I don't think anything was copied and pasted. The differences in hardware and software between the the 3DS and the Switch are way too extreme. But we're going to have to agree to disagree.

The Resetti model has nothing to do with giving fans Resetti. It's a groundhog day item. Groundhog day is a day celebrated in the USA... Also, it's an item we got in New Leaf for the same reason
The Resetti model has nothing to do with giving fans Resetti. It's a groundhog day item. Groundhog day is a day celebrated in the USA... Also, it's an item we got in New Leaf for the same reason

Exactly. Besides, Resetti is already a part of the game working at rescue services. We already have him, we just unfortunately don't get to see him as he's helping us.
Just out of random curiosity. If there happens to be a really big update, will you play earlier than a year? ;) I've been debating that too, but I like playing too much to stop just yet. I'll probably take a really solid break around the time Monster Hunter Rise comes out though.

I imagine I could be tempted, but it needs to be huge as currently there's nothing incentivising me to return in Spring or Summer. I have all the event stuff, bugs, fish and diving things available from march-early september, and a fully decorated island. Without adding enough content that I will have multiple things to do each day, I doubt I'd play for more than a couple hours.
Meanwhile picking back up in September I haven't got the seasonal DIYs, haven't really touched the events, and there's new critters to get, and if there's a number of small updates on top of that, it'll feel like a larger update and refreshing after the break..
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I hope for a DLC similar to the one Splatoon 2 received. It's questionable whether that could even happen, as it would make it difficult for non-DLC owners to visit the towns of those who do own it. Otherwise, there really isn't a reason for the developers to use a lot of resources for NH considering that it's still selling really well and that the updates don't generate more money.
We are getting funny wahoo jump man, pretty sure that's all they will do. Even though the furniture should have been in the game at the start since its been in every other game... *shrugs*
We are getting funny wahoo jump man, pretty sure that's all they will do. Even though the furniture should have been in the game at the start since its been in every other game... *shrugs*

That's what I find so sad about it. If it were something entirely new, I would be okay with "only" getting new furniture. I'd still be disappointed, but at least it is new content. But that's been in older games as well and was cut from NH.
I don't think anything was copied and pasted. The differences in hardware and software between the the 3DS and the Switch are way too extreme. But we're going to have to agree to disagree.
It maybe was misunderstanding leading to disagreements. I never said it is / was exactly the same code / platform or whatever else. I'm pointing only what players got from predecessor.
Example: Diving - it's nothing new, it was before in NL. Diving has been not only "copied & pasted" but was stripped from that what we got before, for example medusas and underwater creatures escape behind the fence.

The Resetti model has nothing to do with giving fans Resetti. It's a groundhog day item. Groundhog day is a day celebrated in the USA... Also, it's an item we got in New Leaf for the same reason
Can you see the difference? NL: model + Resetti, NH: just model. No more questions :cool:
There really isn't a reason for the developers to use a lot of resources for NH considering that it's still selling really well and that the updates don't generate more money.
There is, if they left New Horizons as is I feel like it would really scratch Nintendo's seal of quality, just look at the general opinion of the game and you'll see a lot of dissatisfied people, they need to fix that or they will shatter the franchise's image and have people think about it twice before buying the next game. They need to make sure to finish the game otherwise they will be shooting themselves in the foot. They have the sales for now, but they need to look at the future too. Happy customers are loyal customers.

But again, we are far from done, New Horizons barely started and I think people are being pessimistic about the outlook of the future (Which I understand given the last updates) But I trust there's much more to the game, it just hasn't been released yet and so I will have good faith in it.
There is, if they left New Horizons as is I feel like it would really scratch Nintendo's seal of quality, just look at the general opinion of the game and you'll see a lot of dissatisfied people, they need to fix that or they will shatter the franchise's image and have people think about it twice before buying the next game. They need to make sure to finish the game otherwise they will be shooting themselves in the foot. They have the sales for now, but they need to look at the future too. Happy customers are loyal customers.

But again, we are far from done, New Horizons barely started and I think people are being pessimistic about the outlook of the future (Which I understand given the last updates) But I trust there's much more to the game, it just hasn't been released yet and so I will have good faith in it.

That's certainly true. I'm just not sure how many players will actually go back to NH and experience that. Many will, sure, but most people I know haven't picked up the game in months despite all the updates. I don't know if larger updates would change their opinion, so whether or not Nintendo releases one wouldn't change their decision to buy/not buy the next game in the franchise. But you're definitely right that it will affect the opinion on the franchise of many people, especially fans I guess.

Once Nintendo manages to deal better with the pandemic, they might bring some larger updates. It's possible that the original schedule was to release more substantial update and that's the reason why they weren't able to. So I'm not all pessimistic. I just hope that this won't lead to a game with less content in the end than we would otherwise have received.
That's certainly true. I'm just not sure how many players will actually go back to NH and experience that. Many will, sure, but most people I know haven't picked up the game in months despite all the updates. I don't know if larger updates would change their opinion, so whether or not Nintendo releases one wouldn't change their decision to buy/not buy the next game in the franchise. But you're definitely right that it will affect the opinion on the franchise of many people, especially fans I guess.

Once Nintendo manages to deal better with the pandemic, they might bring some larger updates. It's possible that the original schedule was to release more substantial update and that's the reason why they weren't able to. So I'm not all pessimistic. I just hope that this won't lead to a game with less content in the end than we would otherwise have received.

That's another thing people seem to be ignoring, the pandemic. Japan isn't like the US when it comes to at home work. When you're at home you don't really work like you would here, home is much more a place to relax and spend time with family there compared to the US. Multiple developers have gone on record saying that the pandemic makes things much more difficult since they also don't have access to their normal equipment. Though I'm still on the side of players saying the game needs more items and furniture yall also have to remember that their schedules were probably hit hard by the pandemic. It's also separate teams on NH than previous games and pocket camp (some devs stayed yes but shh). Still though, we might get big news on the anniversary or maybe an item or two but I doubt we will be getting a huge update. It's 2021 though, vaccines are coming out and things are returning to "normal". If not this year maybe next?
That's another thing people seem to be ignoring, the pandemic. Japan isn't like the US when it comes to at home work. When you're at home you don't really work like you would here, home is much more a place to relax and spend time with family there compared to the US. Multiple developers have gone on record saying that the pandemic makes things much more difficult since they also don't have access to their normal equipment. Though I'm still on the side of players saying the game needs more items and furniture yall also have to remember that their schedules were probably hit hard by the pandemic. It's also separate teams on NH than previous games and pocket camp (some devs stayed yes but shh). Still though, we might get big news on the anniversary or maybe an item or two but I doubt we will be getting a huge update. It's 2021 though, vaccines are coming out and things are returning to "normal". If not this year maybe next?

You're absolutely right. I've already said this in other threads, but the only aspect I don't understand is why they haven't yet made a QoL update. It would have been easy to develop in comparison to implementing new gameplay systems and fans would have loved it. Features like crafting in bulk are really simple to implement and after almost a year, this should have been more than possible. Adjusting e.g. the durability of the golden tools as well. I've programmed a shop-system like this and it was really easy to do. Of course, it takes much more planning and play testing when you are a team of developers working on such a big title, but it could have been done without a doubt.

As for the lack actual new content in the latest updates, I think that's partly because of the pandemic and if that's actually the case, we might see some great new features in the future. I try not to have huge expectations anymore, but as long as the game receives updates, we can still be hopeful and at the end of the day, it's still a good game.
Honestly I may do the same, not take a year but just stop playing until a substantial update comes out. It'll be as if you're waiting for the game the actually release, and it'll be nice to come back and discover new things, just like when you first buy a new AC game
That's kind of what I will probably do to. I experienced the game for a year with all the events, so now all that is left is to experience the content they may or may not add. I will see what the Mario update offers and then take a long break or not.
Guys, I think we are getting off track from the topic that was asked about. Everyone is free to have an opinion and like or dislike the game, although, in my opinion, I don't think a multi-millionaire company like Nintendo needs to be defended... Remember that it's their job to deliver a pleasant experience and now it's their turn to finish the game which was, factually, unfinished from the start. It's okay to admit so, and it's also okay to be positive about future updates, I'm sure they don't want to leave a sour taste in any fans' mouth and we will see NH become greater than NL, just give it time. I think one has to be a little too complacent to enjoy the base game of NH as is, which if you do, that's good, but the game honestly could use some ambition because it has a lot of potential, just be patient and trust the process.
I agree that patience could certainly help some, but I don’t think calling people who enjoy New Horizons that give their opinion “defenders of Nintendo” and “complacent” is the right way to go. If one could criticize this game, then there are others who could share their feedback as well, and should be able to do so without the name calling/shade from others.

This is an Animal Crossing fan site after all. I really think some are getting too carried away with how they are presenting their feedback to the point where they’re just coming into every thread with not feedback, but redundant negativity. I really recommend using Nintendo’s game feedback pages to submit feedback and constructive ideas to improve the series. But calling the developers lazy and not ambitious, which is what I’ve seen people do here, is not going to get anyone anything but embarrassment, which is what they should already feel going onto a fan forum to say these things.
I agree that patience could certainly help some, but I don’t think calling people who enjoy New Horizons that give their opinion “defenders of Nintendo” and “complacent” is the right way to go. If one could criticize this game, then there are others who could share their feedback as well, and should be able to do so without the name calling/shade from others.

Plus, enjoying the game does not mean you can't be critical about it too: I've been complaining about things since day one, it's just that my issues with the game are honestly not getting in my way of enjoying it. You can enjoy something and acknowledge what's wrong with it too
I agree that patience could certainly help some, but I don’t think calling people who enjoy New Horizons that give their opinion “defenders of Nintendo” and “complacent” is the right way to go. If one could criticize this game, then there are others who could share their feedback as well, and should be able to do so without the name calling/shade from others.

This is an Animal Crossing fan site after all. I really think some are getting too carried away with how they are presenting their feedback to the point where they’re just coming into every thread with not feedback, but redundant negativity. I really recommend using Nintendo’s game feedback pages to submit feedback and constructive ideas to improve the series. But calling the developers lazy and not ambitious, which is what I’ve seen people do here, is not going to get anyone anything but embarrassment, which is what they should already feel going onto a fan forum to say these things.
I think you might be misunderstanding what I said for some reason. I never said anyone was a "defender of Nintendo", I said that you can enjoy the game on your own and the critique shouldn't really matter to you, if you enjoy the game there's no reason for you to feel affected by what people think about it and have the need to defend it, as it feels like often users might be taking it too personally, but I don't think any critique which can be considered negative is directed to users or meant to be harmful more than it aims to go towards Nintendo.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with ambition especially when it comes to a first-party game that has a reputation to uphold. I do think devs are working hard and the game will be quite good in the end, but I also think the management of the game was a little flawed at the start which could of course be due to covid. I absolutely disagree that people should feel ashamed for not being happy with a product they paid for unless they are disrespecting the devs, but that's completely different. The devs are people and they can make very good things but they can make mistakes too because they are human. And while I do agree there's sometimes unnecessary negativity which does bring you down more than up, I wouldn't alienate any fan regardless of their opinion, true fans want the game to do well after all. NL wasn't this polarizing, so I definitely can see there's just "something" that isn't sitting well among the general public, even if I do enjoy the game myself.
You're absolutely right. I've already said this in other threads, but the only aspect I don't understand is why they haven't yet made a QoL update.
*Fixed the visitor schedule system
*Different music options for different stereos
*Camera HUD glitch returning as feature

They may not be the QoL you or other people wanted. I'd argue the first one is the most important QoL they ever needed and much much more crucial than "bulk crafting fish bait" or others. And reality is that they probably don't see the need of some of the QoL requested (or at least for now)- it's that easy to understand.

For the people talking about sales and revenue from PC, you're invited to see the figures for yourself and learn a bit about how sales work.

I think you might be misunderstanding what I said for some reason. I never said anyone was a "defender of Nintendo", I said that you can enjoy the game on your own and the critique shouldn't really matter to you, if you enjoy the game there's no reason for you to feel affected by what people think about it and have the need to defend it, as it feels like often users might be taking it too personally, but I don't think any critique which can be considered negative is directed to users or meant to be harmful more than it aims to go towards Nintendo.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with ambition especially when it comes to a first-party game that has a reputation to uphold. I do think devs are working hard and the game will be quite good in the end, but I also think the management of the game was a little flawed at the start which could of course be due to covid. I absolutely disagree that people should feel ashamed for not being happy with a product they paid for unless they are disrespecting the devs, but that's completely different. The devs are people and they can make very good things but they can make mistakes too because they are human. And while I do agree there's sometimes unnecessary negativity which does bring you down more than up, I wouldn't alienate any fan regardless of their opinion, true fans want the game to do well after all. NL wasn't this polarizing, so I definitely can see there's just "something" that isn't sitting well among the general public, even if I do enjoy the game myself.
Although I agree with the general feeling of your post, it's not that people can't voice negativity, it's that sometimes that is the only thing they do. And they do it everywhere. And many times, it's not even feedback or constructive criticism, it's just whining and even sometimes people saying misinformed things and complaining about things that are there but they didn't notice.

(some) People keep ignoring everything that is on NH and focusing on what isn't there, so after these last days of the Festivale update I have understood that it's no use to post on these kind of threads and many others.

I'd say to keep enjoying the game but some don't do that so I don't know. :unsure:

and to add a little more on topic: I want a lot of things to come to NH and was when my islanders suggested Franklin becoming a regular visitor with a food truck to sell us food. If they ever bring a cooking mechanic as part of a major update, there needs to be a special visitor added to the rotation that teaches us cooking DIY on their food truck. It can be Franklin Jr. or whatever, I just need it to be true. :cry:
and to add a little more on topic: I want a lot of things to come to NH and was when my islanders suggested Franklin becoming a regular visitor with a food truck to sell us food. If they ever bring a cooking mechanic as part of a major update, there needs to be a special visitor added to the rotation that teaches us cooking DIY on their food truck. It can be Franklin Jr. or whatever, I just need it to be true. :cry:
Given his RV was food-themed in the Welcome Amiibo update and his entire "starving artist" schtick, I'd love to see Wendell return as a chef.

My boy finally managed to get himself some food.