are you my twin?? we have some of the exact same experiences .I'm a gay transgender male. I thought that I was bisexual for the longest time, but I've only ever had one long term boyfriend (he is my sunshine and i love him so) and i don't know if i would actually want to date a girl. its confusing lol
also when i was in middle school i thought i was nonbinary/genderfluid but last year i realized that i was just experiencing gender dysphoria and was in denial about it. now im sure im a transgender guy and i hope i can get top surgery soon ^v^
im a trans gay dude. i used to be genderfluid in middle school, but it was just cause i was scared of going full boy. i also used to be pan, but found that i dont like girls all that much... at least i think so but who knows what might happen in the future.