mm yeah some people are but unless they're getting triggered at everything then i dont really see the problem.
i would consider myself pretty sensitive
As far as social issues go, I don't think people are being too sensitive. IMO people saying racist/sexist/homophobic/etc. stuff is unacceptable (as well as making fun of someone for a traumatic incident, a disability, etc.) but a lot of people try to pass it off as being "edgy" or a joke when in reality they're just being a jerk. I don't think you're being too sensitive if you're offended by, you know, things that are offensive.
BUT. I do think when someone says "Hey, I think this movie sucks" and then they have 30 people in their Twitter mentions angry at them....those people are being too sensitive lol. When it comes to a difference in opinions on movies, TV, music, celebrities, etc. I don't think people should get offended so easily. It's not that deep! Unless the statement is something like "This movie sucked because the main character was gay" "This movie sucked because it had too many women in it" then it shouldn't be something people get too wound up about. "This movie sucked because the plot made no sense and the acting was crappy" isn't offensive IMO lol.
But lately when people talk about others being "too sensitive" or "too quick to be offended," they usually mean about social issues so.....
no people have the feelings they have. invalidating someone else's feelings, especially in an argument or discussion, doesn't lead to anything good and doing that also is sign of not being compassionate or understanding tbh.
dealing with people who get really upset can be a pain but there are plenty of options, you could for instance walk away instead of telling someone that their reaction is Invalid and go on a rant about lol triggered xDD people
Wow this is extremely general so I'll have to say no. More often I encounter ridiculous insensitivity in people, despite how popular it is to say that people now are ~so fragile~ or whatever. I can be pretty sensitive myself I admit, sometimes the things that hurt my feelings are absolutely insane, but it almost always comes from my own experiences rather than what was actually said/done. So even if I think someone is reacting really strongly to something I didn't personally feel was a big deal, I keep in mind that they probably have a reason for being so bothered by it.
Anyway I just feel like it's more worthwhile to try to understand other people rather than write them off as being too sensitive.
Yes, we're giant walking sensory organs, so it's kind of how we were built to work.
I always hear older folks saying how us younger kids are too sensitive and to just take what the world gives us, but anytime something changes against their favor they turn into giant salty five year-olds...
Case in point, my old high school had the "Indians" as a mascot, us "god awful millennials", as well as the generation currently in high school, decided to stop culturally appropriating a whole race of people and vote that the mascot be changed. Out of the woodwork comes every single white person who has ever attended the school filled to the brim with salt, about how it's offended THEM, the people who went to the school centuries ago, by changing the mascot, because they'll always be "Indians" when in fact, they are all white upper class people... :/ But no, we're the sensitive snowflakes.
Yeah, people are way too sensitive. Even in this thread, my point was further proved because of the disrespect to the question.
Society is a mess. This forum is a mess.
So . pathetic.
Please. Just stop. You wouldn't be offending so many people if you didn't come off as so condescending. I won't lie, some people can come off as over-the-top in sensitivity, but you're really coming off as a self-centered jerk right now and making a lot of people here mad.
And 14 likes on that post by Mozzarella Sticks just proves how high the level of immaturity and stupidity the majority of the people in Brewster's Cafe are.
And if you are wondering why I made this thread, I made it to test how hostile the posts would be made and if the forum could have really handled my question. Judging by the first reply on this thread, it looks like I was right about this place.
so ... "it was just a bell tree social experiment"?
I personally felt that DoubleR and I were having a civil conversation about our opposing views. There were even some things we agreed on within each other’s comments. THAT’S what I appreciate about topics like this, it’s supposed to be an intellectual conversation that helps us look into a few other factors. Yes, this is just some little thread on a forum about a human living with animals, but we all want to see opinions and to have stimulating conversations.