Are the festive DIY spawn rates way higher today?

It's probably just good luck that you got THAT high of a rate (1 out of every 2 when the previous rate was datamined at around 1 out of 10) but it would be nice if they upped the rate just a little bit. You get 12 balloons per hour max, so an average of 1 diy per hour when you are actively patrolling for balloons is honestly really horrible if they want completion to be possible.
Hi, I have a question for everyone here I want to check if my theory is right for the seasonal recipes. The people who are getting a lot of recipes did you craft the wreath Isabelle gave out?

I find that the more you craft the recipes the more common getting more becomes. This has been a common thing for me for all the autumn and winter recipes. I had a hard time getting the acorn and pinecone ones until I crafted the wreath. Same thing for the mushroom. Took 1 week to start getting the mushrooms, and I only got my first one after I crafted the wreath.

Now with both the snowflake and festive I got them both pretty quickly. 2 days for the snowflakes and 3 days for the festive and I don't play for long either.

So I'm wondering if this is the same for everyone.
Hi, I have a question for everyone here I want to check if my theory is right for the seasonal recipes. The people who are getting a lot of recipes did you craft the wreath Isabelle gave out?

I find that the more you craft the recipes the more common getting more becomes. This has been a common thing for me for all the autumn and winter recipes. I had a hard time getting the acorn and pinecone ones until I crafted the wreath. Same thing for the mushroom. Took 1 week to start getting the mushrooms, and I only got my first one after I crafted the wreath.

Now with both the snowflake and festive I got them both pretty quickly. 2 days for the snowflakes and 3 days for the festive and I don't play for long either.

So I'm wondering if this is the same for everyone.
I dont know about that. But I tend to have better luck when I don't intentionally set out to farm them. For example tried several hours one morning nothing got bacl on that afternoon shot random baloon sailing by got a festive DIY. I decided I would just relax and get them as they come abd obly worry about farmibg baloons the last week of the season.
Hi, I have a question for everyone here I want to check if my theory is right for the seasonal recipes. The people who are getting a lot of recipes did you craft the wreath Isabelle gave out?

I find that the more you craft the recipes the more common getting more becomes. This has been a common thing for me for all the autumn and winter recipes. I had a hard time getting the acorn and pinecone ones until I crafted the wreath. Same thing for the mushroom. Took 1 week to start getting the mushrooms, and I only got my first one after I crafted the wreath.

Now with both the snowflake and festive I got them both pretty quickly. 2 days for the snowflakes and 3 days for the festive and I don't play for long either.

So I'm wondering if this is the same for everyone.
I still don’t have the recipe for the snowflake wreath on my main island so I can’t craft it even if I wanted to. I never crafted the mush wreath though and I was able to get all the recipes from that series.
i have been having bad luck with the DIYs, i got 1 mush one and a couple of the fall ones, and so far i've only gotten the falling-snow wall! hopefully it'll pick up a bit - might have to put a little more time into trying to get presents.
Y’all, I hopped back on for like an hour and got all of the remaining snowflake DIYs I needed but one, and that’s only because I wanted to save SOMETHING for between now and March to look forward to catching so I stopped popping balloons. I sincerely wish that whatever RNG anomaly I was gifted today befalls the rest of you
Hi, I have a question for everyone here I want to check if my theory is right for the seasonal recipes. The people who are getting a lot of recipes did you craft the wreath Isabelle gave out?

I find that the more you craft the recipes the more common getting more becomes. This has been a common thing for me for all the autumn and winter recipes. I had a hard time getting the acorn and pinecone ones until I crafted the wreath. Same thing for the mushroom. Took 1 week to start getting the mushrooms, and I only got my first one after I crafted the wreath.

Now with both the snowflake and festive I got them both pretty quickly. 2 days for the snowflakes and 3 days for the festive and I don't play for long either.

So I'm wondering if this is the same for everyone.
Because of a Campsite visitor on Tuesday, I didn't get the wreath from Isabelle (ended up shooting it down Tuesday evening). I also didn't really start crafting any of the set until I got all the Illuminated recipes.
I think it must be sentient...
Ages ago, I was talking with a friend and I said that I needed a Black Double Sofa.

What did I get in the (no joke) next Balloon?...
I got a Black Double Sofa... 🤣
Yesterday I was on another thread where people were discussing the ironwood kitchenette, and I mentioned the open-frame kitchen as a good option for those who are sick of the ironwood kitchen.

Guess what was at the third slot at the Nook's today?
...Considering I haven't found a single one today, I can't imagine they are.

It's all down to luck, and it sounds like you have all of it today 😝
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I kid you not I just popped a balloon with a 1k bell bag. Is this game sentient now??
This game feels like it reads your mind sometimes. I keep making jokes about my character constantly needing hammocks because he loses them, and I kid you not on one of my first few nights of having Evwirt I got 2 hammocks back to back from balloons. I also got a hammock in my Nook’s Cranny on one of the first days it was opening and I’ve shaken at least one out of a tree. It’s like it wanted Matty to be comfortable settling into this new island lol

As for DIY luck, I got my DIYs a while back. It does feel like some days are luckier than others, though. I spent a ton of time looking for the illuminated reindeer and festive tree set and I managed to get most every other piece extremely quickly lol
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I just started playing and the first balloon I popped was the only remaining DIY I needed. Truly I have been blessed
Teach me your ways! It's been two days and I haven't shot down a single DIY. The day before that I got snow season doubles! 😭 At this rate there's not a chance I'll finish unless my luck gets reversed! 😂
i'm so X_________x !!!!!!!! i've been haphazardly shooting down balloons and i haven't gotten ANY DIYs. tbh i don't think i'm gonna get any at this rate TT^TT
I have gotten absolutely no presents from the sky today. Where have they gone!
Spawn rates haven't been good for me lately at all. I had good luck with the mush recipes, and eventually got them all, but I haven't had much time to play lately and when I have, zero recipes have dropped.
I've gotten all the festive DIYs for one of my player characters. Today I finally got the big festive tree that I really needed. Its just a lot of patience and knowing when the balloons spawn.