Are the festive DIY spawn rates way higher today?

I’ve had especially bad luck today, so I suspect it’s just the RNG as always. I’ve spent about three hours actively balloon farming today (one in the morning, one mid day, and one right now), and haven’t gotten a single recipe. I also got a duplicate festive recipe yesterday, even though I’m nowhere near completing the set.
I haven't been able to get any diy for the last couple days TvT kept getting random bells, materials, or furniture/clothes orz
It's likely just luck and not a real thing, but I've also been getting more DIYs from the balloons lately, which is kind of funny since I actually really needed clay and iron last week so I wouldn't have minded getting materials in balloons. I has able to get about half of the festive/illuminated DIYs in one day, and I'm planning on balloon hunting tonight and tomorrow to get the other ones that I plan on using on my island, and leave the rest for next year (assuming the same DIYs return next winter)
i got really lucky today I went ballon hunting and I was able to get 8/14 of the festive DIYS today!
I finally saw higher spawn rates today but only on my northern island. The southern island character received duplicate summer shell recipes for some reason.
I'm hunting balloons for more than an hour straight and... Nothing.

I still need 4 festive diys, so the balloon popping continues...
Have yet to get a single DIY, granted I barely play the game, but I have popped at least 10 balloons in the last week, maybe I should just start camping balloons.
You guys are getting DIYs? I've been farming balloons for hours and have only gotten like 3-4 but alright.
A couple of days ago I had crazy luck with my DIYs! Got like 4 of the Festive ones in the span of just a couple of hours. Some people might think those odds are pretty bad, but I usually only luck out with 1 DIY a day over the span of more than a couple of hours.

I also got a dupe Festive DIY but the very next balloon was another that I didn't have! So I was able to send my extra to a friend.
Got 2 different diys that I didn't have in a span of 30 minutes or so. It's a record haha
My RNG was very kind because I got 4 or 5 the first morning the festive ones were out. I stopped farming for a bit after but I've managed to collect all the snowflake/festive ones now. Just onto collecting all the frozen ones from these pesky snowboys... not sure if it's better or worse 🤔😂