Are there any items that you tend to use a lot of in decorating?


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2017
Cobweb Halloweaster Egg
Cobweb Halloweaster Egg
Cobweb Halloweaster Egg
Cobweb Halloweaster Egg
Cobweb Halloweaster Egg
I just realized I use some items a lot....
I don’t necessarily do it on purpose , but when I think somethings missing , I always go back to those items.

I like to not really repeat items, but I can’t help it with these. I hope it’s not too noticeable when I I’m get to uploading a dream address.

When I need to finish off an area, add a tin bucket. Don’t even count how many of these I have around.

When the ground looks too empty, add a pile of leaves.

Honestly , these two items look great anywhere. They aren’t even the main focus, but they are nice as extras in the background.

Do you guys have multiples of the same items throughout?
i have loads of pinwheels but on purpose, it's supposed to represent koroks
like when there's a pinwheel on loz then a korok is there

i really like cute items so i also have many mom plushies, puppy plushies and teddy bears, which is funny because there are 6 bears on my island atm
I definately over use the Celeste items. There are so few sparkly light options in the game at the moment so they tend to be my go to default option. We definitely need more lights. In New Leaf I adored the light arches, heart and I can’t remember the third 😂. I would definitely love more options so fingers crossed for more lights in future updates 😍
I always tend to throw iron garden benches in tiny areas where I can't fit anything else. I think I have at least 10 of them on my island. I use stalls like little marketplaces and bar areas for the same purpose. In terms of smaller items, I tend to drop balloons randomly around as well, I probably have like 50 balloons on my island randomly and somehow it all works!
My island is at risk of been overtaken by Nova Lights, with the Crescent Moon Chair been a close second, they both just seem to look nice anywhere around the island and I love all the colours that they can be customised to. Other series that I'm often drawn towards are the Mush and Shell series, in particular the Mush Lamp - I think I'm drawn to all the light/lamp type items as they all look really pretty decorating the island during the night.
I have lots of barrels and oil barrels around, they just help fill out the space. And cardboard boxes cause my island is a little trashy lol.
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so many streetlamps and iron benches! the two together make an area look like I actually had a cohesive plan. also colour coordinated flowers and bushes, but they're not really items I suppose
i have loads of pinwheels but on purpose, it's supposed to represent koroks
like when there's a pinwheel on loz then a korok is there
this is a really clever and charming idea!! i bet it looks really cool.

i think i may also be a barrel freak. trying to mentally tally all my barrels. i DO know that i used to have like 20 metal cans all over the place because i was pretending my island was stocking up for the pandemic, haha.
I use a lot of streetlamps and iron garden chairs ! They're pretty items
Iron garden benches fences cushions.
I havent gotten to decorating my beaches yet but tend to use alot of repetive stuff there
My island theme is like a cluttered tropicore kinda vibe so i use A LOT of the bug models.
I can't really say that there are all that many items that I reuse a lot. In terms of the homes of my player characters, I've tried to keep the houses as distinct as possible from one another, and as such they don't use much of the same furniture aside from obvious stuff like bathroom fixtures, though even with that I try to make things different with color variations and such.

As for the island itself, there's not much reused either. Different sections of the island have their own distinct purposes. The only examples that come to mind are that the beach and the campsite, which are on two separate sections of the island, each have Handy Water Coolers and Cooler Boxes featured in their layouts.
Potted plants inside because we barely have any in the game. Outside I use the lanterns, lawn chairs, log stools, and stone stools a lot. We really do need some more options lol
Cicadas, frogs, crickets, and now grasshoppers. My towns theme is to feel more like a forest than a town so these little critters are insanely helpful for ambient noise. For my house... why, diy cards of course.
It's the white log stakes, white garden lanterns, white pumpkins, and white mum cushions for me.
We are limited, so for me, I don't bother.

Every time I've decorated a room, I see pics of everyone elses rooms.

All the same, so I don't decorate in this game.
Probably the cypress plant or the streetlights. I like using the iron garden bench and garden benches a lot.
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We are limited, so for me, I don't bother.

Every time I've decorated a room, I see pics of everyone elses rooms.

All the same, so I don't decorate in this game.

Could go for what im doing, the exact opposite of those mega decorated towns. Minimalistic, make it just feel like a regular forest. No insane massive bridges, no crazy paths. Just trees, ambient noise, and the occasional decoration. I've tried multiple times at decorating towns and houses and it just doesn't feel quite right. So im doing this and tbh it's a challenge of it's own, making a town look good *without* furniture is more difficult than with it in my opinion :p