Are there any items that you tend to use a lot of in decorating?

Oh gosh. It depends on the season, because I use seasonal items all the time. So right now I have a lot of the Ice furniture. So many ice trees and ice sculptures, and one of my paths is lined with hardwood trees, with ice pillars between them. Oh and lots of snowmen. Right now my little "village" that has six of my villagers has the mush lights... we really do need more options for lights. I'm really hoping I get the Hyacinth lamp recipe soon, because I'm pretty sure that I'll use those constantly and just change the colors to match the season.

I also have barrels all over. They fit nicely with my island, because in general it's pretty natural looking. So the wooden look fits so well. And I have benches and chairs and stuff like that. In the fall, I had a lot of hay beds and scarecrows.

There's nothing wrong with using a lot of a few items. I think that's kind of natural to do, as you'll always find a few things that just really fit your island's feel. So it just makes sense to put them throughout your island.
I like using the garden lanterns a lot. I also love the lily record players! And the garden wagon filled with flowers.
mush lamps on my island are everywhere! also mushrooms and weeds! mush lamps are everywhere because i like the idea of having light source everywhere so even if its dark at least you could still see lol
I don't have too many decorations outside yet, but inside, I use a lot of candles.

I get the feeling the spooky arch and mushroom items will be repeat offenders around the island in the end, though hopefully I won't overdo it!
For me, I definitely have a plethora of streetlights and floating biotope planters on me at all times. They're the easiest, and some of the most aesthetically pleasing, items that go with my theme that can also fill in small spaces where bigger stuff can't fit.
I use a lot of the carved stone DIYs; the archways, the lanterns, the garden rocks, etc - I have some around my house and some over by my shopping area.
Oh man... so many lol. When decorating interiors, I tend to use a lot of those double sofas. I probably have like 20 of them between my 5 player houses. I’ve also used quite a few of the wooden dressers and starry garlands; they’re a nice bedroom staple!

For exterior decorating, I’ve used a lot of park benches and streetlamps. I like my town to be lit well at night since I play a lot at night. I’ve also grossly overused the barrels, log stools, and any butterfly models.
If you dont know what to do with an area... stick a bench there!

You won't want for seating on my island thats for sure.
I use the Iron Garden Set quite a bit on my island. I love that it comes in different colors (brown and green being my favorite) and I like that it's intricate in design. It reminds me of a lot of garden benches I've seen IRL.
I use way too many bamboo items, and custom designs. It's just weird at this point. I confuse myself...