Are you afraid of spiders?

Are you afraid of spiders?

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Like if it was a legit huge tarantula I'd be shaking but I'd still kill it.

I'm the bug killer at my house. There's a spider get it. XD
If they're not poisonous, I find them quite fascinating. The only spider that has startled me was a giant spider that crawled quickly across my desk. This happened back in freshman year, so imagine everyone's reaction when I push the chair back instinctively and yell a few words that shouldn't have been said in a room of fourteen-year-olds.
Is this really even a question, I HATE spiders (and afraid) they really freak me out.
here is one lovely memory of spiders:
One time I saw some weir brown thing on my carpet, I thought that it was just some random piece of fuzz on the ground from some stuffed animal. So of course I picked it up, if I didn't it would have drove me crazy, but then when I picked it up it felt sort of "wet." Then I looked closer at it, AND IT WAS A ****ING SPIDER!!! Then I threw it in the trash can cause it was right next to me and I ran out screaming my head off, and when I finally made my way to a sink to wash my hands, my hands were shaking. I think I was actually more startled than frightened but I'm still afraid of spiders...
I wish my sister weren't afraid of them, I always have to kill them even if they are so helpful for me. I love them.
Is this really even a question, I HATE spiders (and afraid) they really freak me out.
here is one lovely memory of spiders:
One time I saw some weir brown thing on my carpet, I thought that it was just some random piece of fuzz on the ground from some stuffed animal. So of course I picked it up, if I didn't it would have drove me crazy, but then when I picked it up it felt sort of "wet." Then I looked closer at it, AND IT WAS A ****ING SPIDER!!! Then I threw it in the trash can cause it was right next to me and I ran out screaming my head off, and when I finally made my way to a sink to wash my hands, my hands were shaking. I think I was actually more startled than frightened but I'm still afraid of spiders...

Spiders have an uncanny ability to disguise themselves as dirt. I noticed big clumps of 'dirt' on the ceiling. Got a feather duster, poked them and I honestly can't make this up, thousands of little spiders just rained down.
My father is afraid of them, i'm not.I'm afraid of bees, wasps, and hornets.
i dont like little ones but if they're not poisonous and they're not to wiggly I try to take them outside. I've always wanted a pet tarantula though!
but nah im not scared lmao
na, im always waking up at night w/ a spider crawling up my arm, i jus toss it off to the side addn i never know where it ends up but i dont really care either
The question should be: who isn't scared of spiders

I'm not lmao

I find spiders in my house all the time, and they don't bother me. My mom is like a huge arachnophobe and I think it's kinda funny.

I'm actually sharing my room with a spider right now, believe it or not. I don't bother him, he doesn't bother me. We just mind our own business. I let him live here, and in exchange he eats all them stupid lil flies that irritate me on a daily basis. I believe that is called mutualism, which in biology is a good thing.

Anyways, yeah. I don't mind spiders at all. They spook me a bit when I'm not expecting them, but other than that idrc.
Nope, I love me some spiders! Probably would be a different case in Australia, what with the ratio of poisonous: non-poisonous spiders there. I mean if someone told me the spider in front of me was poisonous I'd probably be a little freaked
Yes, those small creepers with long legs scare the hell out of me :( Same with daddy longlegs.

I don't mind large pet ones though
Nah spiders don't bother me. I find them facinated and rather cute to be honest. It's a dream of mine to hold a real live trantula. That would be amazing!
If there is a small spider in my room, I ask my dad to chuck it outside. Once, when I went to the loo (I sat down) and I looked on the wall, and there was a fat spider. I literally screamed and my parents didn't come to the rescue :( To this day, I look in the corners of every room to see if there is any living life form. (spiders, moths etc)
No, spiders don't really bother me although I've had a few odd run-ins with them recently. I was painting the wall above the skirting board and pipe under the radiator and a large spindly one came down inches from my face, (obviously tonnes of cobwebs behind a radiator, that never gets cleaned,) and I banged my head when it surprised me. I think it was the day before that I went to the fridge to get some cheese for lunch and there was a spider sitting in the cheese packet. Someone must have left the fridge door open, it doesn't stick perfectly unless you actively try and shut it. There's one in the corner of the bathroom right now but it just sits there while you go to the loo so we're leaving it for now. Not bothering us.
spiders are the devil in disguise, ok
they taunt me i swear
gotta scream at someone else until they get rid of it
I like saw a spider in the corner of my bathroom this morning and literally did not want to get ready in the bathroom. Just grabbed my stuff and hiked it on out of there LOL.

Once saw a spider in the corner of my eye while I was browsing on my phone before bed and I kid you not, I slept on the floor. Spiders have taken my sense of safety... on my own bed :c