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Are you going to Time Travel?

On the first day I played, after finishing the tutorials, I got so bored, temptation got me and had me time travel one day later.
Yes, but day by day with maybe 1-3 days per day. If I miss a day, I plan on time traveling back so that I can get closer to the actual date. I only feel time traveling is cheating if you do it to a vantage to get certain items, shops, projects, lots of bells, etc with neglecting actually playing the game (I don't mean TTing to 9PM to catch a bug - I mean like TTing from October to January to get your bank interest or time traveling back to go to that ceremony you missed). That's not enjoying the game the way it should be enjoyed and it is, indeed, cheating.

What bothers me is Nintendo sort of attacks (but doesn't hinder) time travelers in New Leaf; it affects the turnip prices and your residents are like "so, rumor has it that you're a time traveler."

I mean, that last part would be okay, but you don't have the option to say, "Want a ride in my TARDIS?"
I don't think so. I'm no cheater.

I figure the more I cheat, the less I'll spend time playing the game.
I met Joan this morning and she said time traveling will automatically rot your turnips. Haha, time travelers.
I met Joan this morning and she said time traveling will automatically rot your turnips. Haha, time travelers.

Of course they would rot... if you time travel in massive leaps. Turnips are only good for one week. And if someone is time traveling for turnip profit, I'm pretty sure they're going to be going day by day. So your slightly rude, mocking comment is pointless.
Of course they would rot... if you time travel in massive leaps. Turnips are only good for one week. And if someone is time traveling for turnip profit, I'm pretty sure they're going to be going day by day. So your slightly rude, mocking comment is pointless.

She said any kind of "time warping" (I think that's the term she used). So even if it's a couple hours they might rot. She didn't say anything about massive leaps. So yes, haha to you time travelers.
I did the second night. I went back 10 minutes so i could pay off my house payment and get the upgrade the next day -.- i was sitting in my car trying to get the bells before they closed after that i wont
I have a couple of times, when I first got the game it was late and so having no tools to keep me preoccupied when the shops are closed is annoying! However I really want to keep Wolfgang in my town and so i won't be risking it really.
I was tempted to time travel just so my character's hairstyle would change to that bedhead style, but I decided not to. It will become available at Shampoodle's soon enough. :)
I am trying not to TT, but this game is making it difficult. Waiting an entire month real time for shops to open so I can use the features that were advertised as a premise for the game is just ridiculous. To be honest it has been testing my patience and it makes me feel as though I can't enjoy my game as much. In the original I TTd heavily with no regrets, but that was after a solid six months of playing the "right" way.

Nintendo knows people TT. They intentionally put that in as something you could do in the original game. It adds a spin to the game for people who want to do it. If I'm going to get bored of a game I'll get bored of it and delaying features I was promised doesn't change that fact. There are games I have owned for two decades that I'm still not bored of. Do I foresee time traveling any time in the near future in this game? No, not really, I'm going to get all the shops the "natural" way. But at some point I'm going to crack.
I've never really time-traveled in Animal Crossing games. Unless setting the in-game clock slightly behind real time so I can play during the day time when I'm back from college in the evenings XD But I don't mess with the timing after then.

It's less about me trying to 'preserve true gameplay' or anything like that, but mostly that I don't really understand it all too well and I'm scared I'll 'break' the game somehow :')

I plan to pace myself, even if others are way ahead of me in terms of shop development and other factors - It's your own paradise so I don't see why it should be a big deal :D
She said any kind of "time warping" (I think that's the term she used). So even if it's a couple hours they might rot. She didn't say anything about massive leaps. So yes, haha to you time travelers.

They don't rot unless you go over a week. Source: I've done it

As far as I know, though, the buying and selling price of turnips is affected by time traveling in New Leaf. Probably because a lot of time travelers traveled just to get the best turnip prices, which is cheating and abusing TTing.