Are you good at making friends? (Real Life!)

Are you good at it?

  • Awesome!

    Votes: 17 7.1%
  • Not bad at all!

    Votes: 31 12.9%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 58 24.2%
  • Not good.

    Votes: 50 20.8%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 84 35.0%

  • Total voters
Growing up, and even now, I’m one of the most socially anxious but outgoing people you’ve ever met. Before the pandemic, I had around 15-20 friends. However, only 1 of them was close. I always made connections through other people. I still find it shocking that I had so many friends despite how introverted I am.

Post pandemic, I’ve only about 6ish friends. I’d consider 2 of them close. I’m a lot more happy this way, as I usually know I have somebody to talk to. One of my friends (same friend as pre pandemic) has always been my closest friend, though. :)

So honestly, no I’m not good at making friends. I guess the easiest way to put it is that my friends always find me first. After the initial meet, I think I do a decent job of maintaining the relationship.
it's interesting that the most voted category is of introverts lol

i hate approaching people and talking to them first, i really can't do it. all of the friends i currently have were ones that talked to me first. i wish i wasn't shy with strangers but the fear of saying something cringey to someone i'll have to look at everyday for years, in case of school for example, is too big.
I’m good at starting to make friends but not good at keeping them. I don’t have the energy to talk to everyone every day so eventually a lot of the times life just moves us along. I have one friend I’ve known for almost a decade! We’ll talk like once a month and every now and then hang out. A few friends I wish they would reach to me but a lot of us are the same about not reaching out first. Kinda sucks but also I don’t want a lot of friends lol I’m fine with my bf and my family and a couple of friends.
I went with neutral. It really depends with me. I’m really awkward and only reach out to people when I’m in a good mood. Sometimes it’s seamless and other times it’s a mess. So they kinda balance each other out I guess?
i'm pretty meh. i feel like i'm pretty good at making friends, but keeping them is another story. not because we get into fights or stop getting along, but because i feel like we just always drift apart... i had such a big group of friends my first year of college, but now it feels like al those relationships are super shallow and one-sided. i care too much about people i think :/
Not really, but I guess I don’t try that often because I feel like I have all the friends I need anyway. I don’t leave the house often and work from home so I don’t have many opportunities meet people these days :LOL:
I don't really have any problems making friends, even though I'm mostly an introvert I'm fine when meeting new people, I think I've probably gained more confidence as I've got older and have become more sociable so I don't find making friends too hard. Unless I get on really well with someone, or I've known them a long time, then I generally don't become very close friends with a lot of people mainly due to the fact I'm a homebody so I only like keeping a handful of close friends to regularly keep up to date with and spend time doing things with.
i went with "not good" because while i do have a few irl friends, they're people i knew in high school and was forced to see every day, but i guess the fact that we're still friends all these years later is saying something
Oh man I'm the worst !! I'm so shy ah xD I love meeting people but my brain blanks out on me when it comes to conversation with someone I dont know. Working on it tho, I've improved a bit !
I'd say I'm neutral. I'm not awful at making friends but I'm not fantastic at it either. I tend to keep to myself quite a bit these days and even if I do make friends most of the times we tend to go our separate ways due to gaining new interests etc. The worst thing I hate is when friends initiate the "lets keep in contact" move and then never bother to follow through or if I contact them first it's always the same polite "How are you? Not bad thanks" conversation routine.

As always though I'm always open to making new friends as I do miss sharing certain passions I have that th friends I do have in my life right now have no real interest in.
I’m not the best at making friends but I do try making new ones. I’m pretty social but still really awkward when starting conversations with someone though c’:
I voted "not bad". In elementary school, I was extremely shy. I had 2 best friends that I opened up with more, but barely talked to anyone else. I was lucky to have friends of any sort at all. I did have a group of 10 or so on my street that I was completely myself with, though. I wasn't shy at all with them. I was a really good student, but my teachers probably would've liked me to open up more I'm sure. Anyway, I had my group of friends in high school and was happy enough. I had a great group in college. I'm now friends with a lot of the people I work with as well. I can be social in social situations and adapt to them, but I'm definitely more content alone at home than out with people most times. I am meeting a small group for brunch tomorrow, though, and I'm excited about that. I think it just depends on who I'm hanging out with.
I’m honestly very careful with who I associate with. It’s easy to talk to people for me, but I will not spill anything to that person if I do not find them trustworthy. I can say hello to a person, but not trust them enough to get close to them. I’ve learned that some people just can’t be trusted unfortunately. That may be me having trust issues, but there are some people who will betray you in a minute and people need to be careful. As for the question, I can make friends with people, but not if you’re giving off bad vibes.
I'm not really that good at making friends, no. I'll be friendly with people and we'll be on good terms but never actual friends. This is usually the case with coworkers as I'm honestly not much of a social butterfly so if/when I do meet new people it's through work. It doesn't help that the previous jobs I've worked I've either been the youngest by a considerable amount or I worked away from most of my other coworkers so we didn't get a lot of "bonding" time.

I'm pretty reserved in my day to day life. I'm always happy to be friendly with people because I never want to be rude or make things hard for anybody. I've been told I'm really kind and such before but I tend to keep a wall up and that makes it hard to cross the boundary of friendly to friends. It can be pretty lonely sometimes since the only proper friends I have at this point are from school but it is what it is. I definitely don't need a big friend group but sometimes I wonder if there's something wrong with me because I have such a hard time fostering connections like that. My other friends have managed to make tons of new friends via their workplaces and then through going out to drink or party and such which isn't something I enjoy and at nearly 23 (God I was 21 when the pandemic started... that's a bummer, lol) those are kind of the Go To social gatherings in my small town.
Not at all. I went 5 years in elementary/middle school without any friends, my family was my only social life. Since graduating high school in 2018 I've drifted away from all but two people from high school and have not made any friends in college.

I have a lot of trouble forming some sort of connection with people, and I jump to judging people too quick. I've gotten better with not judging too quick, though it's still a work in progress.
Definitely not. I ate lunch alone in middle school and most of high school. Didn't go to any parties in college (wasn't invited) and didn't do any networking. Partly because I have very bad social anxiety, and partly due to the fact I'm just not super interested in making friends a lot of the time