Are you Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?

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If the parent can not take care of the child send it to a person who can with adoption

Lmao, I assume you're a rich male with catholic views? The world doesn't need more kids and the woman should not have to go through 9+ months carrying it because dumb laws and opinions like that. Also I guess you want her to bleed to death should there be a miscarriage or similar?
can you stop stirring the pot

you're literally insulting me because of my views

Lmao, I don't think I'm the last one to do. And yes I do because obviously you are not educated or just wanna have "controversial" opinions, I can't really tell sometimes.
Technically I'm both. At the age of 16 I got pregnant. One of my parents (who themselves were adopted) did not want me to put the child up for adoption. The other thought I should consider abortion. I wanted to have and raise my baby. I was very glad that I lived in a country where my parents & I had the right to all three options. I would not have wanted strangers who didn't know our situation forcing a decision upon me. My OB/GYN advised not making a decision until they did a certain test. She said the test would tell us if the pregnancy was developing normally or if the child would have mental or physical problems once born. We were barely making ends meet so we would not have been able to cover the medical costs had the baby not been healthy. Children with mental or physical situations did not get adopted as often as healthy children. In all honesty, had the test shown any abnormalities we probably would have gone with an abortion as we would have felt we had no other viable option. Thankfully the test showed the fetus was developing well & my son will soon be turning 30 years old.

Even though I personally opted not to get an abortion I feel strongly that every woman should have the options I did and that no one should make such a life altering decision for them.
@Valzed that is a pretty special occasion and you were privileged enough to choose so that is good, and you could take care of him, but honestly how many poor people can't choose because the male population and laws have to choose for them and don't care abut whose body it is?

Also if "strange people" like shrinks and OB/GYN people forces you they are bad at their work, they should be there for support and listen if anything since it can be hard for some people due to culture, ethnic traditions etc. And yeah idk, I don't like the whole mentality of "only trust yourself/family" etc. thing in general, they don't always knows best. But sure if you think you are prepared for everything go ahead and keep it I guess but don't be "pro-life" you because you have all the comforts to do an abortion should you need. And don't complain young moms if you have a choice and live in the first world.

Some people don't have the privilege to do an abortion and have to carry it still even if it missed a leg and arm and it will make you bleed to death or cause you trouble, costs etc. for the rest of one's life. Make sure it's not gonna be a miscarriage either.

And yeah sure, if you have the ability to choose all good I guess but yeah honestly you shouldn't have to discuss it with anyone close, it's your body. And forcing laws on forbidding bc/abortion because of the bibble or whatever dumb reason is not the way to go. Those countries needs to stray away from some dumb book and look at women if anything and abortion on a barely pea-size organism is not "murder" smfh.
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I remember back when I first learned about the issue, I was strictly against it. Now I only oppose taxpayer-funded abortions. I still believe it is murder, knowing everything about the issue, but I?d only use that against taxpayer funded abortions rather than to outlaw abortions for any cases.

I?d also say that if those two terms are used anywhere outside the issue of abortion, I?m more ?pro-choice? than ?pro-life? (like the typical Republican). I?m not ?pro-life? since I support the death penalty. I?m ?pro-choice? since I support capitalism, gun rights, school choice, and sternly oppose political correctness. But those two terms only apply to abortions. So I?m ?pro-life?.
But yeah dominantly males who think they can have an opinion on a woman's body alone and dictate laws are out of their mind and stupid. It's the woman's choice 100% in the end regardless and honestly unless you are planning on having a baby you shouldn't have to debate it with everyone, just do an abortion if you can(or keep it if you want it after all) and let it be over it. It's too easy to get pregnant regardless of whatever bc method you use, so yeah. And people who rapes others should rot.
I honestly think the whole issue got blown out of proportion. How has abortion gotten tied to like, Trump, and politiiics, aaannndd eveer.....zzzz......zzzz.....Oh crap sorry. Anyway yeah, my coin flip idea is still valid.
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yes, if the mother's life is in danger, that is an exception.

Well its thoughts like this and people along with it that are trouble. You guys wanna decide over someone else and what situation is valid just because you don't have to live with it and remove even more rights that should be basic to any good democratic country.

- - - Post Merge - - -

And yeah "danger".. .hmm

*woman risks of bleeding to death* Nope let's just keep her going

*perfectly healthy stuff* Nope you must go


Maybe a bit/dumb examples but honestly. Abortion should be 100% the woman's choice, legal, and not being intruded and trampled on by privileged christian people who think they are right because they think can do what they want.
@Valzed that is a pretty special occasion and I'm pretty impressed of what you did that young. Also if "strange people" like shrinks and OB/GYN people forces you they are bad at their work, they should be there for support and listen if anything. And yeah idk, I don't like the whole mentality of "only trust yourself/family" etc. thing in general, they don't always knows best. But sure if you think you are prepared for everything go ahead and do it, if you are that privileged and supported to make a choice. Not everyone does and that's where we step on toes.

Some people don't have the privilege to do an abortion and have to carry it still even if it missed a leg and arm and it will make you bleed to death or cause you trouble, costs etc. for the rest of one's life. Make sure it's not gonna be a miscarriage either.

And of course you should be able to choose, but forcing laws on forbidding bc/abortion because of the bibble or whatever dumb reason is not the way to go. Those countries needs to stray away from some dumb book and look at women if anything and abortion on a barely pea-size organism is not "murder" smfh.

When I used the term "strangers" I was referring to anyone who did not know my situation and that included any government or religious organization. I did not mean my doctors who were very supportive. For the record I was in no way "privileged". Soon after having my son I got a job and worked as many hours as I could while going to school to support him. My parents did stand with me and help me raise my child but there were nights we dug in the couch cushions to find enough change for my lunch in school the next day.

I also would not have felt myself "privileged" to get an abortion had there been abnormalities. I would have felt I had no other option. I would not have made that choice lightly nor glibly. Abortions are risky procedures. Many things can go wrong. I also would not want a woman to be forced to carry a child to terms - whether the child was healthy or had mental or physical abnormalities. That goes against my belief that women should have the right to choose what they want to do with their body.

I believe no one - family, friends, government or religion - has the right to decide what a woman should do with her body. No one should force a woman into any decision. I believe all women should legally have the options I had of abortion, adoption or continuing the pregnancy.
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Yeah religious people back off the **** off everything if they implement beliefs into one's decisions. And I don't meant your life situation as a whole, more that you had a choice to do what you did, some, or said many countries would probably forced you to keep it regardless situation. That( abortion) is a privilege you should be grateful for if anything and not taken for granted. And fight for.

Keeping it is one's choice and I don't say you are whiny _in any way_ but certain other young moms who keeps them just to be on TV and then they demand everything because "lol is a real woman with kid and i can abuse others by demanding money" etc.

Also yeh, I will probably sound harsh but I don't think kids are the greatest thing of all and if you don't think you can take care of yourself or be able to raise the kid lovingly and you have indeed choice I can't really feel sorry. There are people in 3rd-4th world countries who has to go through this with even worse situations where they can't choose a thing and male people have all the rights. Or just parents in the 1st world who abuses them(kids).

And yeah it's your decision 100%, that's right, and I mostly nodded towards family, partners, friends and even higher levels like governments; they should never go against you if you want an abortion, or try to talk you into keeping it. OB/GYN and medical staff are there to perform it.

Of course it's nothing lightly, but people who think other abuse it because it's "easy" to be irresponsible with bc(or it doesn't just bite on you) is dumb.. sure carry every other pregnancy you might stumble upon -.-
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And by no pity I mean those complaining moms who have a choice and just becomes a young mom for attention or whatever weird reason and such. If you ge abused, raped or just happen to live in a bad country then it's of course one thing and you should get help. But if you wanna become a 5 children mom at 25, well that IS your choice if you live in a good place. Sure get on TV but no I'm not gonna give you attention or money for anything.
I remember back when I first learned about the issue, I was strictly against it. Now I only oppose taxpayer-funded abortions. I still believe it is murder, knowing everything about the issue, but I?d only use that against taxpayer funded abortions rather than to outlaw abortions for any cases.

I?d also say that if those two terms are used anywhere outside the issue of abortion, I?m more ?pro-choice? than ?pro-life? (like the typical Republican). I?m not ?pro-life? since I support the death penalty. I?m ?pro-choice? since I support capitalism, gun rights, school choice, and sternly oppose political correctness. But those two terms only apply to abortions. So I?m ?pro-life?.

have you thought this through at all? is it because you don't want taxes to go towards "murder" (again, military), because it is expensive (taking care of an unwanted (or wanted, school etc. is really expensive) baby is not exactly less expensive for society than it is to pay an abortion), because you just dislike poor people or for some other reason? having an opinion only because many others with the same political affiliation as you do isn't exactly #Woke.
have you thought this through at all? is it because you don't want taxes to go towards "murder" #1, because it is expensive #2, because you just dislike poor people #3, or for some other reason #4? having an opinion only because many others with the same political affiliation as you do isn't exactly #Woke.

For that first part, yes. While not everybody believes it?s murder, others do. As much as we have those who just want to force their morals on others, there?s also those who don?t want the government forcing them to violate their own morals. I get it that it?s dumb to care about what others do with their bodies and to use legislation against that, but at the same time, they also have the right to not support someone else?s abortion. If they believe it?s murder, they don?t have to pay for someone else?s abortion. And collecting taxes to fund someone else?s abortions is basically forcing them to pay for the abortions.

You keep bringing up the military every time I talk about opposition to taxpayer funded abortions. The difference is that the military is risking their lives to protect our nation and capture people that are dangerous. An unborn fetus hasn?t even experienced life yet. Terrorists, murderers, and traitors not only experienced life, but they did horrible things. I believe that these kind of people don?t deserve to live since they can?t respect others? rights to live. I?d give abortionists a pass, but not first-degree or second-degree murderers.

For the second part, it?s more than just the expenses. It?s what?s being spent on. Other than the fact that it is murder, it?s not necessary for the government to provide funds for social issues. Public safety, defense, education, healthcare, and utilities are very important. But for just for social issues like abortions, they are unnecessary. Of course I would oppose tax hikes to pay for something that?s expensive, but practicality matters more than the price.

For the third part, that?s a straw man argument. To assume that someone hates poor people because they oppose social programs is bad for arguments and make them uncivil. People make straw man arguments all the time, not to ask them if they actually care, but to smear their reputations so they can have power. Not saying that you?re trying to make me feel bad, but I?m just letting you know that it?s a straw man argument.

And I don?t have anything to say for that fourth part since I listed all of the reasons.

Finally, I don?t subscribe to everything the Republicans believe in because they believe it. I have my reasons too.
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