Are you Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?

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I shared my opinions on abortion earlier in this thread, but I just feel like needlessly chirping in again. I really dislike how abortion is made to be solely a woman's issue, to the point that men that speak about it at all are shut down just because they are men. As if abortion or the birth of a child doesn't affect men, as if abortion (or birth of a child) doesn't have the power to negatively impact the life of the father. As if abortion isn't commonly used to hurt and manipulate men and fathers, as if it isn't still commonly praised to trap men in relationships with pregnancy.

I know this will sound bad and villainous, and I completely understand that's it's "her body, her choice", but I really don't think that disregarding the wants and input of the father should be praised and I really don't think men should be shut down just for speaking about abortion, everyone has opinions, and abortion affects men too, I'm not surprised that they are completely disregarded though... I personally don't think abortion is murder at all, but that's just my opinion; everyone is entitled to theirs.
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I am pro-choice.

There are a multitude of reasons why somebody may want an abortion. Mental health, physical health, finances, who the father is, how the baby was conceived, how carrying the baby will effect the woman, how keeping the baby will effect the woman, etc. etc. I do not believe it is my place to completely disregard all of those factors and force a person to carry a baby to term that they don't want. In doing this I firmly believe we are not only harming the mother, but also the child.

Keeping them from getting legal abortions doesn't necessarily mean they won't try other means and those means are a lot riskier for both parties. Forcing them to keep a baby they don't want could lead to them disregarding the pregnancy (ie: continuing to drink, partaking in drugs, not taking prenatal vitamins and eating healthy, etc.) and therefore harming the child. There are so many factors at play that go into being pregnant and having a baby; I don't think it's fair to rob people of the choice to terminate a pregnancy.
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