Are you tall or short?

I'm 5'3" and for the most part people tell me I'm short. I'm inclined to believe them because standing in a crowd of people really does make me feel short lol
A measly 5'1". But I really don't mind it despite the drawbacks; working at a daycare, for example, it made it harder for kids to realize I was an adult despite other features. I think that was the only time it was really inconvenient LOL. Other than that, I like being short.
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Average? Perhaps on the shorter end of average? I'm 5'8" or 5'9", I forget which. I'm also 20, though, and being on my college campus makes me feel extremely short.
I'm short...about 5'1". I don't mind it too much now as an adult but as a child it was very annoying. My grandma would pass me off as a child to get me into a movie cheaper even though I was a teenager. I also hated going to amusement parks at that age because I had outgrown the kiddie rides but was too short for the roller coasters.
I’m the youngest and tallest in my family. Last time I checked my height was a couple years ago when I was 18 and it was 6’ 4” or 193.04 cm. But multiple people have said I look taller than that now, which I find hard to believe I would grow any more (at least when it comes to height), lmao.
i'm 5'7 so i think a little taller than average, i'd like to be taller though
154cm which is a little less than 5'1. i love being short ://///
whenever i go buy something all the cashiers treat me like a 7 year old, one time they even asked where my parents were

oh lord this so much. i'm a cm or two shorter and in my 20s. not too long ago a sports store clerk basically told me i'm in elementary school and haven't reached my growth spurt yet. last summer when i went to an event the ticket seller asked me if i was 15. after i confusedly said yes they asked me if i thought it was fun getting to be an adult, as a reference to having to buy an adult ticket... at that point i was both so confused and offended that i just sheepishly said yes and walked away

i really don't mind being short other than stuff like that happening because of it. my face really doesn't even look young, it just seems that people's intuitions are often mainly based on height.
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I'm pretty tall, I'd say. For a while I was one of the tallest kids in my school. I haven't measured my exact height in years, though.