Probably either 5'7" or 5'8" (as you can probably tell, I haven't been measured in a while)
I have no idea if I'm still growing, but I wouldn't mind it if I was
i'm 5'3" which is one inch below average haha but i always feel average since i'm around taller and shorter people sometimes i think it would be nice to be a lil taller lol
I?ve been 5?0? my whole life and have always prided myself on that.
Until I found out recently I had grown about an inch :c
(I thought I had stopped growing as I am no longer a youngin?)
It really sucks when you want something from the top shelf at the store
5'6" or 167.5cm, which is apparently, the average height, so i mean... neithrr ig? im considered rlly/pretty tall in the philippines, but am either average or maybe sliiightly below/above average by margin at most
i like to believe im still growing, but i honestly domt think i am. i wish i could be at least 1 inch taller tho. thatd b a Big Dream