Ask AC:NL Questions here! (Please read before posting here or making a new thread!)

I'm not sure if this was asked before, but if you let someone adopt a villager, will that villager still appear on Main Street?
I can confirm tanning has started as I have gotten a tan unintentionally XD Time to wear an umbrella.

According to the ACNL wikia tanning season is from July 16 and September 15 =D
Yeah, you're right, it's July 16th. Last year I managed to get through all tanning stages, but I really don't like accidental tanning. I guess it's like real life though, and you can't help it.
Does anyone know if Peach's Parasol protects you from tanning, too? It's so small.. But a parasol nonetheless. Thanks in avance!
This is driving me insane already! From what I know, you need to purchase at least 50 articles of clothing to get your first mannequin from either Sable or Mable. My closet is almost filled to the brim with clothes! I'm pretty sure I have bought over 50 items of clothing and even 30 accessories from Label's side... yet, no mannequins from them. My first mannequin came from Gracie, sad to say... Am I doing something wrong?
This is driving me insane already! From what I know, you need to purchase at least 50 articles of clothing to get your first mannequin from either Sable or Mable. My closet is almost filled to the brim with clothes! I'm pretty sure I have bought over 50 items of clothing and even 30 accessories from Label's side... yet, no mannequins from them. My first mannequin came from Gracie, sad to say... Am I doing something wrong?

To get Sable's mannequin, you need to talk to her once a day for ten days in a row. You've also got to use the sewing machine at least once before she'll give you it. Apparently you also need to purchase 50 items of clothing from either side of the store, however I don't remember having to do that.

Mabel's mannequin is obtained by purchasing 51 items from only the Able Sister's side of the store. (Purchases from Labelle's side doesn't count towards this).

You can get Labelle's by purchasing one item from her side of the store for over 31 days in a row.

Check that you've done all this, if not, then do you time travel? It can sometimes mess up the patterns of the game, so that might be your problem.
To get Sable's mannequin, you need to talk to her once a day for ten days in a row. You've also got to use the sewing machine at least once before she'll give you it. Apparently you also need to purchase 50 items of clothing from either side of the store, however I don't remember having to do that.

Mabel's mannequin is obtained by purchasing 51 items from only the Able Sister's side of the store. (Purchases from Labelle's side doesn't count towards this).

You can get Labelle's by purchasing one item from her side of the store for over 31 days in a row.

Check that you've done all this, if not, then do you time travel? It can sometimes mess up the patterns of the game, so that might be your problem.

I'm assuming it's the TT'ing that I've done before... I try not to TT too much...but ughh, if this messes it up, how much does it mess up?
I'm assuming it's the TT'ing that I've done before... I try not to TT too much...but ughh, if this messes it up, how much does it mess up?

I don't think anyone knows how much it messes it up, but there's no way of telling when you'll get those mannequins if this is the case. I'd suggest that you just keep doing what you're doing, but avoid time traveling for a while, then maybe the game will decide to spit out those mannequins of yours. :)
I TT'd and was able to get all of the mannequins. Unless you missed a day without realizing it while you tt'd, you shouldn't be too far off.
I TT'd and was able to get all of the mannequins. Unless you missed a day without realizing it while you tt'd, you shouldn't be too far off.

Like I said, it can, but not always, mess with the game's pattern. It happened to one of my friends, and he ended up restarting altogether (he wasn't too far into the game). He'd tried everything that he could think of. You don't have to restart if it happens, but he chose to take the shortcut out.

That's a good point though, you could time travel a day at a time, talking to Sable everyday. Then you'll be able to tell for sure if you missed a day or not.
If a villager asks for a favor, and I save and quit but come back later the same day, will the favor "disappear" so to speak?
If a villager asks for a favor, and I save and quit but come back later the same day, will the favor "disappear" so to speak?

I don't think that it will be gone. I think I have accepted favors, saved, quit, and restarted and the option to complete it was still there. Not certain though, but I'm pretty sure it's a no.
I don't think that it will be gone. I think I have accepted favors, saved, quit, and restarted and the option to complete it was still there. Not certain though, but I'm pretty sure it's a no.

no, it still exisits as long as it's the same day that you received it :)

Ahh okay, that's a relief. Lucky asked for a Gar which I didn't know wouldn't show up for another few hours. I was planning on TT'ing but was afraid the favor would be lost and count as a fail and decrease our friendship and yeah. _:)3 」∠ )_

Thanks you two. ^^
Sorry if it's been answered already, but I didn't want to look through 200 pages... :p

Is it possible to get a villager to come back after they've moved away?