They're fanning themselves because they're wearing long sleeves in summertime.whats it mean when your character exits their house and waves at them selves with an unhappy face?
whats it mean when your character exits their house and waves at them selves with an unhappy face?
I'm pretty sure it only affects the 8 squares adjacent to it. So a 3x3 grid (which is probably what you meant, because 9x9 is huge, lol)Does anyone know of the effective area for fertilizer?
I can't find this specific info anywhere. Is it a 9x9 grid with the buried fertilizer in the center, or...?
oh whoops yeah lol
Really surprised nobody's bothered to put that info in any guides. Like its literally just "use fertilizer".
And on that note, do golden shovels do anything for it? I know you have to buy 50 bags of fertilizer to get the shovel and I've heard people on the forums mention about using it (likely because of the method to getting?) to make the fertilizer more effective. But I've never once seen the golden shovel mentioned as having any use outside of making money trees outside of the occasional forum posts. I mean you'd think it'd be mentioned in *some* hybreeding guide, but as far as I've seen, nope.
>no mention of fertilizer effective area
>no mention of the golden shovel helping fertilizer
Man, New Leaf hybreeding guides need to get less lazy.
Anyways, thanks.
Do you know how much it helps? Like if it doubles the effects or...
How many spaces back does the bus stop project require ?
IIRC it is three spaces. Two for the project, one for the buffer.
I'm fairly certain that's a custom design hat, they just designed the rest of the it to look like her natural hair/headCan someone tell me what those horns on her head are called ?
I think its just luck based really
they could agree right away or they could be stubborn for hours
So if I keep trying (i saved before entering the tent) I could get her to move?