He doesn't. He'd just lie around them.Does Gulliver destroy flowers when he washes up on the beach?
He doesn't. He'd just lie around them.Does Gulliver destroy flowers when he washes up on the beach?
When is the earliest you can invite villagers? I mean when you first start the game, when can you start asking villagers to move into your town?
Okay villager moving questions:
- I know there's like a 50% chance or something similar of a new plot when you have 8 villagers, but after a certain amount of time does that percentage go to 100% that a plot will show? if there is a timespan how many days / weeks?
- Do invites from other towns or campsites take priority over voided villagers from streetpass or wifi? for example, if I pick up Bob from someone's void after I invited Cherry from the campsite, who will move in?
February 25th, when the snow melts.When do bingo cards expire?
You can TT safely, it will not affect Ruby's moving at all.Alright, so here is my situation.
Someone just came in to my town and convinced ruby to move away to their town,
and now that that is settled, is it safe for me to TT forward a day or two?
That wont mess up ruby making it to the person town will it?
Thank you! :+)You can TT safely, it will not affect Ruby's moving at all.
I can't think of anything that would prevent you from being able to build a snowman. I think your snowballs are just a little too small.Can you only build 4 snowpeople per player? I've been trying to make another snowtyke since my last one melted, but the snowballs don't want to come together even though the sizes are pretty accurate =(
Will a bush die if I plant it in this blank spot?
okay i have a question so when i came out of my house this morning i started walking around the town i noticed there weren't any snowballs? they've been showing up somewhere in town everyday and my town is currently in december. if anyone can tell me why the snowballs did'nt show up today it would be really helpful.
Yes, but you can only send them a letter using that town's post office.This may sound dumb, but I read somewhere that if you talk to a villager not in your own town that you could send them a letter. Can anyone confirm this?
If I remember correctly, the last time I played was the 23rd (today's the 29th). I may have restarted the game on the 23rd, so I'm not sure if the trick where you stop a villager and quit still works. Further, could I just TT back to yesterday to stop someone, would that work? Thanks in advance.
Hold on: Let me rephrase this since I'm missing something, that's not what I'm asking:If you are refering to someone moving out and stopping them, if you dont and they set a moving date, tting back one day still counts as tting forward one day. Tting back 4000 days is like tting forward 1 day. So, if their packing up date is say 30th and they are supposed to tell you on the 29th but they dont and you tt backwards, they most likely will have moved out.