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Ask Delphine what the meaning of life is

I hope to buy their albums when I have money. In the mean time, songs I might recommend include Van Morrison's 'Into the Mystic,' Curtis Mayfield's 'People Get Ready,' and The Animals' 'The House of the Rising Sun.'

The latter two songs are American classics. 'The House of the Rising Sun' was popularized by the English rock band The Animals, but the earliest known recording of the song dates several decades earlier to the Appalachian region in the States, and has a more mellow, folk feel. 'People Get Ready' continued the social-awareness tradition of folk in the States in the tumultuous 60s. 'Into the Mystic' is the epitome of hypnotizing, mid-tempo 60s-70s folk rock by a Northern Irish musician who moved to the States.

That was interesting, thanks for enlightening me with new knowledge (as you always do)! :D I really should focus more on American songs that are classics... but I'm more focusing on movies as of now.

I didn't like too much Van Morrison, listen to a couple other songs and just don't know how to appreciate it. The other two are quite nice so maybe I'll check out some more music from them.

Thanks for sharing!! :blush:
That was interesting, thanks for enlightening me with new knowledge (as you always do)! :D I really should focus more on American songs that are classics... but I'm more focusing on movies as of now.

I didn't like too much Van Morrison, listen to a couple other songs and just don't know how to appreciate it. The other two are quite nice so maybe I'll check out some more music from them.

Thanks for sharing!! :blush:
Makes me wish I spoke French so that I could easily understand French-language songs you might recommend. Even so, I would love any suggestions you might have, as I routinely listen to music in languages I do not understand.

Yeah, just started listening to Van Morrison and not sure if I will keep listening to him for the long term. His sound, at least in that live performance linked to, reminded me a bit of Billy Joel's 'New York State of Mind.' I much prefer Joel. Probably would not want to tell a New Yorker that, though, since it seems they hear Joel so much they are tired of it.

I have been talking about quite a few male musicians, haven't I? Well, here is a female musician: American rock singer-songwriter Tori Amos. If you do not like 'Past the Mission,' not sure if you would like her at all. This song is a better example of what I am into, since I have a clear preference for female vocals and the piano.
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Makes me wish I spoke French so that I could easily understand French-language songs you might recommend. Even so, I would love any suggestions you might have, as I routinely listen to music in languages I do not understand.

Yeah, just started listening to Van Morrison and not sure if I will keep listening to him for the long term. His sound, at least in that live performance linked to, reminded me a bit of Billy Joel's 'New York State of Mind.' I much prefer Joel. Probably would not want to tell a New Yorker that, though, since it seems they hear Joel so much they are tired of it.

I have been talking about quite a few male musicians, haven't I? Well, here is a female musician: American rock singer-songwriter Tori Amos. If you do not like 'Past the Mission,' not sure if you would like her at all. This song is a better example of what I am into, since I have a clear preference for female vocals and the piano.

Ooh, 'New York State of Mind', reminds me of that Jay-Z song! *cries because she perfectly knows it should be the other way around* I think I knew it though (must have heard it in some movie), I like it a lot! And Tori Amos' song is pretty cool. I love the piano as well, I'm not too much into 'jazz' (sorry I'm sure it's not jazz but I don't know music well enough to differenciate... if I hear piano + bass instruments, to me it's jazz haha *cries at her ignorance*), but my father listens to a lot of music like this, it brings back good memories!
Ooh, in your latest reply to my ask topic I noticed your eighth Togepi Egg! Nice! I fear that when you have ten, they will combine into the legendary Golden Togepi Egg, aka the One True Egg, and you will become mad with power.

On a more serious note, are there any promising upstart political parties in France that you have been keeping an eye on?
Ooh, in your latest reply to my ask topic I noticed your eighth Togepi Egg! Nice! I fear that when you have ten, they will combine into the legendary Golden Togepi Egg, aka the One True Egg, and you will become mad with power.

Yup, Skyfall sold me another one, and thanks to posting/selling Mira and especially, thanks to a friend's generous help, I've been able to get it today! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Just two to go! Maybe the ten Togepi Eggs will form a Mega Togekiss...? That would be cool. I would of course be mad with power ー( ̄~ ̄)ξ

Zulehan said:
On a more serious note, are there any promising upstart political parties in France that you have been keeping an eye on?

I've only been interested in one and it's very promising in my opinion, it's called UDI (= Union of Democrats and Independents) and it's a centrist/centrist-right-winged party (don't know if that makes much sense). Maybe a little bit too right winged for me to be honest, but I like these guys, they bring some changes to the political life in France, and I feel like it's good. I should also probably check out more 'green' parties (= ecologist ones), but in general they have communists tendancies and extremists are meh. I've said it a hundred times but I have a thing against all kinds of extremism (-、-)

But all in all the 'great' parties are always the old ones... and it's a pain for most teenagers/young people to identify themselves. I'm having a hard time finding a party that truly represents me to be honest... so for now I'll keep trying to get to know as many as possible.

And right now everyone is talking about our previous President's 'comeback' to the political life. That's what we all have in mind, that, and Iraq, and the fact that we're really scared of possible attacks...
Yeah, there is the Isis war going on right now and Canadians feel threatened about possible attacks as well....
Yeah, there is the Isis war going on right now and Canadians feel threatened about possible attacks as well....

High five for feeling insecure ;u;

Have you ever eaten bouillabaisse, the traditional fish stew from Marseille?

YERK fish D: I would never eat it. The smell is disgusting. Quite surprised that you know about bouillabaisse to be honest o_o
YERK fish D: I would never eat it. The smell is disgusting. Quite surprised that you know about bouillabaisse to be honest o_o
The fault of cooking shows: saw two chefs compete to make it in 45 minutes.

And heh, we are polar opposites when it comes to fish, then, if I correctly assume that you dislike fish in general.

Have you ever met someone who still believes in the old Greek gods? An unusual question, for sure, but I remember Deutsche Welle Journal talking about a small group of people in Europe, largely middle class, who believe in Zeus, Demeter, etc., and practice their faith.
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The fault of cooking shows: saw two chefs compete to make it in 45 minutes.

And heh, we are polar opposites when it comes to fish, then, if I correctly assume that you dislike fish in general.

Have you ever met someone who still believes in the old Greek gods? An unusual question, for sure, but I remember Deutsche Welle Journal talking about a small group of people in Europe, largely middle class, who believe in Zeus, Demeter, etc., and practice their faith.

Anything that comes from the sea is not eatable for me XD I'm more into vegetables and meat... Sweet meat...

Heh never met anyone like that, there must be some people like that out there but it's probably just to 'look cool', give themselves some style or personality... Funny that you bring this up because not too long ago a French movie came out, a very boring drama about a bunch of teenagers who believe they're the reincarnations of the Greek gods. But you know it's not as cool as it sounds, they just spend all their time lying on the beach and having sex with everyone. Like the gods did in the legends I guess, heh.
are there more hidden togepi eggs? /;o;\

Nah, still need two, but I'm broke ;u; And don't have enough time to post a lot/sell villagers anymore... Because studies + Fantasy Life (that game is aaaaawesome)
Nah, still need two, but I'm broke ;u; And don't have enough time to post a lot/sell villagers anymore... Because studies + Fantasy Life (that game is aaaaawesome)

aw i feel you, that game looks amazing qAq
any idea how much they go for? ;-;
oh yeah! they go for that much, i went to the game shop yesterday xD

i was actually talking about the togepi eggs xD
oh lawdy
well they're not as much as chocolate cake but i've only ever had that much TBT once jesus how do people get that much???
What does Aujourd'hui mean? I'll never trust Google Translate to give me the correct translation...