ask the below user a question!

A little bit. Not to the point where I can't go to a high place, but enough that it DOES make me anxious to be up there

Favorite way to play video games? (like, pc, playstation, handheld, etc)
A tough one, but I'm going to go with this kind of... art stand my parents got me for my birthday when I was really little, because it really got me obsessed with drawing lol. Guess it inspired me. I honestly have no idea what happened it though.

When you start a game/show, do you try to finish it at once at a time until you beat it? Or do you tend to stop playing when you lose motivation and go back to it later?
It entirely depends on my mood. I usually juggle shows around like anime. One regular length episode series and one series that's about 5 or less minutes long if I have a busy day and wanna squeeze a show in.

For games I try to finish what I started, but will drop it if I'm not feeling it or something else grabs my attention.

What was the last thing you purchased?
I don't collect these figures. Matter of fact, I find them hideous. BUT I'm obsessed with Layne Staley so I couldn't resist, especially when I saw Mike Starr was also featured.

What's the funniest thing that's ever happened to you?
A lot of people found it funny when I went up in front of my whole high school during a pep assembly and (intentionally) danced poorly to everyone's amusement. Needless to say, I feel a bit embarrassed to have done that despite everyone loving it.

What's a word you commonly misspell?

What would you say everyone in your grade school knows/knew best about you?
I was the guy that always talked about really wanting a girlfriend, but it never happened. Not even joking.

What’s a word you tend to overuse when talking?
words such as 'really' 'very' 'apparently' 'always' etc. I catch myself doing it all the time. Both offline and online.

Have you ever been part of a book club?

What's an animal you'd like to have for a pet?
A monkey!

If you could visit one of the planets (other than Earth) in our solar system, which one would you pick?
Sandwich cookies, especially Oreos! 😋

Same question?
Ohhhhhh boy! Now this is my kind of question! I love alllllll cookies, but chocolate chip will always have a special place in my heart 😍

What's your opinion on Miracle Whip?