ask the below user a question!

A little bit. Not to the point where I can't go to a high place, but enough that it DOES make me anxious to be up there

Favorite way to play video games? (like, pc, playstation, handheld, etc)
Difficult question, but probably the large telescope I received when I was younger.

Same question?
A tough one, but I'm going to go with this kind of... art stand my parents got me for my birthday when I was really little, because it really got me obsessed with drawing lol. Guess it inspired me. I honestly have no idea what happened it though.

When you start a game/show, do you try to finish it at once at a time until you beat it? Or do you tend to stop playing when you lose motivation and go back to it later?
It entirely depends on my mood. I usually juggle shows around like anime. One regular length episode series and one series that's about 5 or less minutes long if I have a busy day and wanna squeeze a show in.

For games I try to finish what I started, but will drop it if I'm not feeling it or something else grabs my attention.

What was the last thing you purchased?
I don't collect these figures. Matter of fact, I find them hideous. BUT I'm obsessed with Layne Staley so I couldn't resist, especially when I saw Mike Starr was also featured.

What's the funniest thing that's ever happened to you?
A lot of people found it funny when I went up in front of my whole high school during a pep assembly and (intentionally) danced poorly to everyone's amusement. Needless to say, I feel a bit embarrassed to have done that despite everyone loving it.

What's a word you commonly misspell?

What would you say everyone in your grade school knows/knew best about you?
I was the guy that always talked about really wanting a girlfriend, but it never happened. Not even joking.

What’s a word you tend to overuse when talking?
words such as 'really' 'very' 'apparently' 'always' etc. I catch myself doing it all the time. Both offline and online.

Have you ever been part of a book club?

What's an animal you'd like to have for a pet?
A monkey!

If you could visit one of the planets (other than Earth) in our solar system, which one would you pick?
Sandwich cookies, especially Oreos! 😋

Same question?
Ohhhhhh boy! Now this is my kind of question! I love alllllll cookies, but chocolate chip will always have a special place in my heart 😍

What's your opinion on Miracle Whip?