• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

ask the below user a question!

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, with 99 Luftballons as a close second.
Based solely on sentimental value, what is the most valuable thing you own?
DAMN good question! Quite a few come to mind....Roundabout by Yes, Truckin by Grateful Dead, Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult...I suppose it might be Roundabout by Yes but it really is hard to choose just one! The 70's had some great hits.

How about favorite 90's song?
I have no idea. I love a lot of songs, but I cannot recall one from the 90s and it is a pain to go through a whole bunch of songs. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

Any plans for the weekend?
Not exactly excited, but I have a doctor's appointment that's technically later today.

Have you ever visited or live in a European country?
Not yet! It's possible I'll go to the northern hemisphere in the first half of next year, but it could be North America. There are options, and I'm not really decided.

Favourite thing to do in your free time?
Hmm depends on my mood, but either draw or play a video game!

Do you play an instrument?
Thankfully cooler than the past couple days, about 20 C and sunny.

What was your first video game?
The earliest game I remember playing was My Disney Kitchen on the PSX. Might've actually been something else, though.

Excluding the Switch, what's your pick: PlayStation, XBOX, or PC?
I enjoy most of them, save for the realistic military shooters that take place in the real world. Not a fan of those. I prefer fantasy/sci-fi FPS's.

What's your current goal?
Good question. :,)
I want to public some books that spread awareness on topics that pertain to me and that people lack knowledge, information, awareness, and understanding on. The first book I am planning on publishing is a book about self-shipping and the attraction towards fictional characters. :,)

What did you eat for lunch today?
Nothing, actually.

Do you prefer fast food, food at home, or sit down restaurants (like Texas Roadhouse)?
I love them all (well, it depends on what or where I am eating). It really depends on my mood. Like for lunch today, I ate Sonic, which is fast food. ^.^

Do you have insomnia issues?
OMG, YES!! I've had them for the past 12+ years or so! While I don't need to take sleeping meds these days, it certainly helps! Unfortunately, even w/ them, my sleep is pretty fractured!

Same q?
Yep. I wonder if having ASD plays a part (I heard it can and I do have ASD). My dad and my brother are also very noisy people. I will not place the blame entirely on my dad and my brother, but I feel they can contribute to it.

Favorite homecooked meal?
The 70's when it comes to music and film. Always been interested to see how things were produced back then.

What was the last movie you saw, and did you like it?