• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

ask the below user a question!

not personally but i get them done once a month!! HMM idk abt my fave set , maybe these i got a few months ago ??


what is dream destination city??
In terms of a city, I'd have to say Tokyo as well. Japanese is incredibly hard to learn, however.
As an old rock music fan, even the Japanese are crazy about it. Heck, I have digital albums in English that were only released in Japan on vinyl (and sometimes even CD) back in the '70s and '80s.

If you were fluent in a language other than what you already know, what would you want it to be?
Spanish. My class at school would be so much easier.

What’s your favorite TV show?
I think I would say my favorite movie is the James Bond film "GoldenEye". 👁 The N64 game is very good too. 😤👍

Here's my question: You're taking an exam, the room is dead silent with the only sounds being a ticking clock ⏰ and pencils writing. 📝 You discreetly reach into your bag for an eraser when by accident, you pushed your fingers in between your Nintendo DS (or 3DS) and you hear it click open. 🔓😳 Immediately your heart drops as ______ echoes throughout the room. 🔊 What sound and from what game did your DS just blurt out at full volume? 🙉
LOL it would be a loud cow mooing from Harvest Moon: A new beginning (the last game I played on my 3DS)

What's your favorite cryptid and why?
Maybe the Jersey Devil depending how it’s depicted. It’s usually kinda cool looking.

Did you clean your room?
I do! I actually don’t mind the taste of artificial banana at all, though too much of it can be too much, y’know?

What’s the last thing that you bought for yourself?
I just bought a Starbucks Pink Drink to get through the day. I really don’t like Mondays at work and I needed something positive.

Would you consider yourself a night owl or an early bird?
Definitely early bird. It was the complete opposite a few years ago, but I did a 180 after getting hired into later jobs requiring me to wake up earlier (my current one requires me to wake up before 5AM).

What is a new TV show (released in the past three months) you’re currently hooked on?
N/A, as I currently don't watch TV anymore (and when I did, I always preferred to watch old TV shows).

How many messages/posts do you have in this thread right now? (If you don't know how to check, just click on your miniature profile pic that appears next to this thread in the thread list sections).

I currently have 215 messages (well, 216 with this one).
I don’t really read books, but if I had to choose a genre, it’d be historical nonfiction.

A major celebrity you may have a crush on?
I’m asexual aromantic, so I don’t develop crushes on other people, including celebrities. 😅

Favorite thing a villager has ever told you?