I have ADHD and ASD. I cannot work. I've been living alone for the past several years, but it's been a toll on my mental health especially over the past 3 years or so. I have other brain problems. while I am not diagnosed with OCD and likely don't have it, I do struggle with obsessive and compulsive things, just on a low level. I have a therapist and case manager, and should probably have an aide... but I'm not sure I'd be able to get one. sadly I'm viewed as not needing one because of what I can do, instead of my struggles. currently I lean on mom for help a fair bit, but I wish I had someone else instead.
like for many, school was a largely negative experience for me. I had help... on and off. consistency would have been nice, but it is what it is. I was bullied, verbally and mentally up through middle school. in high school, I was merely ignored instead. a step above, but wasn't helpful.