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Bad ∞ End ∞ Night [Roleplay]

Riku woke up, with a breath of life. "I hope this will stop soon," She mumbled, and remembered killing everyone, besides Ayane and Yikiko. "Ayane," she said, and darted out of bed and opened the chef's door, seeing her snoozing away, an Riku smiled. She scuffled over to Ayane's bed and plopped down next to her, and layed down. "Boo," Riku giggled
Mitsuki awoke with a headache, she sat up in her bed. Mitsuki put her hand on her forehead, "Oh dear, I have the most terrible headache imaginable." Mitsuki got out of bed, then went over to her vanity. Misuki opened one of her drawers, then shuffled the items inside around a bit. Mitsuki pulled out a bottle of painkillers, then took out two pills. Mitsuki put the pills her mouth, promptly swallowing them afterwards. "Maybe this will get rid of my headache, I sure hope so," Mitsuki winced at her headache. Mitsuki then brushed her hair out a bit, tying it up in her normal style afterwards. Mitsuki left her room, making her way to the kitchen.

Yukiko awoke in her usual spot; the couch. Yukiko remembered Ayane dying, a tear rolling down her cheek in response to these thoughts. Yukiko quickly wiped her tear away, then noticed Mitsuki walk past her. "G-Good morning Mitsuki," Yukiko quietly stated.
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Mitsuki turned her head around to Yukiko. "Good morning dear," Mitsuki smiled. Mitsuki then went over to the kitchen, she made her way over to the table. Mitsuki pulled out a chair, then sat down in it, expecting the others to arrive shortly.

Yukiko watched as Mitsuki walked away, she quickly ended up following Mitsuki. Yukiko sat down next to Mitsuki.
Jonathan jolted awake, as if waking suddenly from a nightmare, and glances around. It was still pitch black, still the middle of the night, which meant the night must've repeated again. He tried to recall what'd happened the night before; he remembered dying again, but everything else was still hazy. Quietly, he got out of bed trying not to disturb Mikan since she wasn't awake yet, and headed to the kitchen to see if anyone else was awake. That seemed to be their typical meeting point, and when he entered he saw Mitsuki and Yukiko already there.
Vick entered the kitchen, head hazy but he could definitely remember something... Something NSFW... He saw Jonathan, running over to him. "Do you remember?"
Ayane felt someone poke her face, seeing the maid laying next to her. She shot up and blushed. "W-What are you doing in my bed?" She asked panicky. "What happened? I don't remember much..."
Mikan woke up to see the night had restarted. She groaned and slipped under the sheets to go back to sleep.
"Do I remember..? I remember dying again," Jonathan said, looking up at Vick. "Everything else is still weird and fuzzy though." He then met the butler's eyes and for some reason, the eye contact triggered a flashback, a small memory stronger than the rest. He remembered Vick kissing him, or him kissing Vick, he wasn't entirely sure which. Everything afterwards was still fuzzy, no memories of how they reacted after that. "...What the hell..?" he muttered.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Charlotte woke up, sitting up in bed. Everyome died again, didn't they... She thought, assuming it must be true since it was still pitch black, meaning the night must've looped round again. She made her way to the kitchen to jon the others. Obviously the plan for bot dying hadn't really worked, they'd have to come up wih another.
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Vick nodded at the boy. "I know, I remember that too... And more..." He then chuckled.
Ayane had got up out of bed and went to the kitchen. "I'll make you all food!" She said cheerily, not rembering the fact she killed herself the last night loop. She made everyone a bacon sandwich. "I know it's not the morning, but it feels like we just woke up and I'm having cravings for meat!"
More? Jonathan wondered. Does he remember that kiss? ...What happened afterwards..?

Charlotte entered the kitchen, seeing Vick and Jonathan stood around talking while Ayane wsa making bacon sandwiches. The village girl noticed that Jonathan looked quite confused. "Are you okay, Jonatha? D-Did something happen?" She asked, looking between the Master and the butler.
"Oh it's nothing Charollete." Vick smiled with his usual dumb face.
Ayane looked at the boys. "You guys are acting if you had seen each other naked or something!" Ayane burst out giggling. "But of course that would never happen, since the master is married and all." She said with a smile, passing Charollete soon food. "How are you?" The chef asked the village from with a cute smile.
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"I just missed you, since you didn't come back after your little chat with Mikan since..." Riku drifted off, not wanting Ayane to remember killing herself. "Nevermind," She said, and followed Ayane into the kitchen. "Yummy," The maid giggled, grabbing a sandwich. "Prehaps they did, Ayane, prehaps they did," she whispered, holding in a laugh. She wanted to avoid eye contact with anyone, avoiding the chance of them remembering her a a murderer
Ayane sat down with a mischievous grin, nudging Riku. "Oooooohhhhhh yeah! I bet the two of them are all loved up! Like a forbidden romance!" She enthused.
"Imagine if Mikan heard you say that." The butler scolded the cook.
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Riku chuckled a little, then looked at Vick, accidentally in the eyes and blushed a bit. "Say, Ayane," Riku said, turning her attention back to the chef. "Can we finish our chat from yesterday?" She asked, with a smile
Ayane tilted her head. "I don't remember anything really about the last night... But I sort of remember you asking me to talk with you..." She commented, then nodded. "But of course!"
"...Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom," Jonathan said suddenly, quickly walking out of the room before anyone could say anything.

Charlotte watched Jonathan exit with curiosity. It was almost as if sometging had upset him. "Hey Ayane, what if you were actually onto something there?" She giggled, referring to the chef's forbidden love comment.
Riku giggled hysterically, at the thought of it were to be true. "After all, I did see them sleeping next to each other!" She laughed through a red face and tears, both of laughter. She quickly readjusted herself into a more formal manner. "Pardon..." She coughed. Riku then stood up and walked around a corner, leading Ayane
(I'm so sorry! I've been on a really long school trip, just got back, it was for some days, we weren't allowed to takes phones, computers Ect, I'm reading through pages at moment)
(I'm so sorry! I've been on a really long school trip, just got back, it was for some days, we weren't allowed to takes phones, computers Ect, I'm reading through pages at moment)

(Oh don't worry it's no problem! I totally understand I once went to France on holiday and missed a week worth of an RP xD )

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ayane was giggling at everyone, then followed Riku. "So what's up Riku? Did you like... Want me to bake you something?"
Vick smirked at the boy as he left the room. "Don't be to long."
Mina suddenly woke up from once a again a horrible nightmare, or was it? Her life had become a total mess since Charlotte had arrived, but that innocent girl for sure had nothing to do with it! Stretching Mina climbed out of her cozy bed yawning, she thought for a second before deciding on what to do, go to the book, the one that holds the future, the ripped page must have returned by know, slipping on her slippers she unlocked the door to her bedroom and went to find the room where the book was.
Riku sighed and leaned against the wall, and looked in Ayane's eyes. "So... yesterday, before everything went crazy, we were talking. About my confession. Before you really got a chance to reply, Mikan needed to talk to you, right? You said you'd be right back," Riku hesitated before saying the next part. "But you died soon after," Riku said, tears forming, sick of herself for killing just about everyone in the house last night
Ayane blushed, remembering. "Y-Your confession?! Oh yeah! I remember that." She then looked shocked when she heard that she had died. "I died!? Mikan killed me?" Ayane pulled an angry but cute and adorable face. "I'm gunna... Gunna..." Ayane punched the air in an attempt to look cool, but instead looked childish. "I'm gunna punch her! A-And I'm not making her anymore cake!"