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Bad ∞ End ∞ Night [Roleplay]

Silently going downstairs Mina went into the room where the book was, "Ugh it's got to be somewhere around here..." Mina looked around the room trying to find it, carelessly she through books off the shelves hardly just to find the book. "Finally," she whispered, turning the page she searched for the newest one.
"No, she didn't kill you, but..." Riku started. "But I think whatever it was she told you made you kill yourself. You hung yourself," She stated simply. "I got upset, and I-I..." Riku wanted to tell Ayane the truth, yet had a hard bringing herself to do so. "I... killed just about everyone in the house last night. I wanted he time to restart so I'd be with you again," Riku said, her vision now blurry with tears and hugged the chef tight, tears dampening her shoulder.
(Hey I've been looking at this a bit, and have been wanting to join. I see there are no slots, but would it be alright if I joined as a boy doll?)
(Hey I've been looking at this a bit, and have been wanting to join. I see there are no slots, but would it be alright if I joined as a boy doll?)

(Of course! As long as you do the following:
1) Come up with a reason why they haven't been alive/active the last few nights (Something like they have been in the attic and their soul hasn't properly connected into their doll body until some people find you or something)
2) Fill in the form and edit it how you like
3) Make sure you are caught up with what is happing so far )
(Alrighty, I'll catch up then work on my form. Thanks, Queen Leeh c::::: )
Ayane felt the girl grip onto her and cry, Ayane gave a soft smile and rubbed the girls back soothingly. "I'm sorry about the pain I caused you... I am really sorry... But let's just move on. That's in the past." Ayane faced the girl.
Name: Haru Misanai
Age: 24
Role: (I.e. Village Girl) Boy doll
Personality: Bright and upbeat, rarely seen in the blues. Optimistic, forgetting about the worries in life, or at least tries to
Appearance: (Picture) http://i699.photobucket.com/albums/...rs/Yamasuta/Yamasuta28Artist29full1216921.jpg
Background: Was a magician in the past life, and signed away his soul to the devil for success. The contract was to be a doll once you die, as Haru simply skipped most of reading it. He died by coughing when sword swallowing, puncturing his lungs. He was floating around for some time, and found his way into the attic

- - - Post Merge - - -

Eyes opened. "Hm?" Haru murmered, rubbing his head, looking through the dark. "Finally, I'm alive again..." He said, remembering the pain in his chest. He stood up, putting his hands against the wall and eventually found a doorknob. He turned it, and stepped into a hall. He looked around a bit, and heard a bit of chatter. Haru started walking towards the sound, and saw a table with a butler, tailor, and girl sitting at it, eating bacon sandwiches. "Erm..." He chuckled nervously. "Hi, the name's Haru."
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"I'm just glad you're back, Ayane..." Riku whispered, and hard an unfamiliar voice in the kitchen. She puled her head up, and walked back into the kitchen, to see an unfamiliar black-haired boy. "Hello, Haru, and who might you be?" The maid asked
Ayane smiled then giggled. "A new guest?" Ayane looked at the doll boy. "I will get you a cake, be right back!" Ayane skipped off.
Haru looked between the two girls. "Well, I was a magician," he started. He wanted to leave out the 'signing his soul away to the devil' thing. "And I was swallowing a sword then coughed. It punctured my lungs and I died. I think I was a ghost... Then I got this body," He explained. "I probably sound crazy," He chuckled
"Where did you come from?" Charlotte asked curiously. She'd thought she'd finally met everyone in the house, but with the appearance of Haru, apparently she hadn't.

Jonathan returned to the kitchen, looking more calm and composed than before. That didn't last long though as he soon spotted the new doll boy that had joined the group, and became quite confuses again.
"The stage, the air, then the attic. Boom," Haru said jokingly, with a smile
Yukiko looked up at Haru, listening to his story carefully. "We are kinda the same... We both died and now we are living as dolls," Yukiko thought to her self. Yukiko felt something weird inside of her as she looked into Haru's eyes. Yukiko's face quickly turned red, to which she promptly put her head down.

Mitsuki looked over to Yukiko, "Are you all right?" Mitsuki looked concered, the doll girl had started acting weird out of nowhere.
"So what are you guys' name, if you don't mind me asking?" the boy doll asked, and looked at Yukiko acting wierd. He pulled out out a chair, then sat down, happening to be next to Yukiko
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Yukiko lifted her head as Haru sat down next to her. "Y-Yukiko..." the doll girl replied as her face got even redder. "W-Why am I acting like this around him...? No... It can't be, I-I thought my heart was set on Ayane..." Yukiko thought to herself. Yukiko quickly turned around Mitsuki. "I'm fine..."

"If you say so," Mitsuki replied. Mitsuki turned to Haru, "The name is Mitsuki, nice to meet you." Mitsuki gave Haru a sweet smile.
Ayane returned with cake for everyone. "I made chocolate cake!" She cheared and set it down. She looked at Yukiko and the new doll boy, winking at them.
"My name is Charlotte, " Charlotte told the doll boy.

"I'm Jonathan," Jonathan said, watching the doll boy curiously. He appeared to be like Yukiko, though because he'd only just turned up, he appeared to have only recently inhabited the doll body.
Ayane went back and forth to the kitchen to get more cakes and party food, bringing a glass bowl of fruit punch. "Let's celebrate, since we have a new member of the house!" She said gesturing at Haru. "But no alcohol, since you know... The whole death thing."
Before Ayane even finished her speech, Vick had already spiked the punch with bottles of strong alcohol. Mweheheh... Maybe this can get the master to make out with me more...
Haru smiled as the people introduced themselves, and saw Ayane wnk out of the corner of his eye and looked back at Yukiko. He had a flashback. One of when he was signing the contract. 5 of the words were in bold, large print. "You will be a doll" It said. He drifted back to reality. "You know, wasn't telling the whole story there," Haru said, looking back at everyone. "I...Signed away my soul. To the devil. I had a flashback just now, a few words stood out. 'You will be a doll,' Prehaps that's why I have a new body, even though I died..." He said, then chuckled a bit. "Oh, thank you, Ayane!" Haru smiled
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"Interesting," Riku said, noticing Vick put in alcoahol, but ignored it. Se saw the interactions between Yukiko and Haru, then giggled a bit