Bell Tree Direct - 10.10.15

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Thank you so much for having me TBT, you guys are brilliant. Will see you around!


So long man from the land down under...
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Ah I missed the restock.. Oh well! Thank you Gandalf for what you have done for the site. Good luck with your future endeavors!!
Thank you Gandalf and good luck for you!

Bought a small mailbox<3 I wonder how many were restocked?
Ah, sorry to see you go Gandalf! Good luck on whatever you will want to do in the future or whatever, haha.
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Ah darn I missed the restock...

Bye Gandalf, you will be missed :c

Well, wasn't a complete bust, bought a purple mailbox ^w^
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bye counting gandalf :p

lol would have been nice to see a crapton of weird dolls being restocked though lol. and thanks for the bells :D

yeah i'm not that bummed since i was obviously out of tbt anyways but still.
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