Bell Tree Direct - 4.18.20

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Congrats to the new staff & glad to hear Kaiaa's back on staff again! Thank you for keeping us all up to date through the new changes and adjustments. Thank you also for the TBT!
Welcome back Kaiaa! Also, welcome to the new mods!

I'm so glad to see my favorite pixels back! (The Loveballs too, except they're not mine yet) Thank you for working so hard to give us a new upgrade to the forums!
So happy to see all the new staff! Welcome to the forums, and welcome back, Kaiaa!!

It's great that we finally got bells and collectibles back. I can't wait to polish up my lineup and make it perfect for 3.0. It seems the biggest parts of the move have gotten out of the way. Thank you so much, staff, for all you've been doing in this move. So glad to see a kofi up as well!!
Welcome to all the new and returning staff members! Congrats!

Thank you for the updates, free bells, and all the hard work that went into converting the site to 3.0!
The site is really coming together now! Thanks for all the hard work.
Thank you staff for all your hard work! The new site is looking fantastic! Also, thank you for the free bells too, I could always use more. 🙂
I love the new board added for the paid airport visits. Thank for listening to our concerns. I'm sure it'll take awhile for us to remember/get use to, but already a nice improvement!

And of course, ty for the bells! all your hard work. ^-^
The user title color change items have been made available again. You will also be able to see what colors the items use by clicking them in your inventory. There seems to be a bug with activating them at the moment because you can't just make it active: you have to make it both active and unhidden. Then it will turn on and you can hide it without removing the color. We'll look into making them work without this extra step though.
Thanks for the free bells, but most important of all, big thanks to the staff (current, new, and returning) for working on the site all year round! I may have not been as active as I would have loved to be when I first joined TBT or seen most of your work throughout the years firsthand, but just one look at this place is enough to show me that you've all come quite a long way since its humble beginnings.

Looking forward to seeing what other new things you'll have in store for us all this year!
The user title color change items have been made available again. You will also be able to see what colors the items use by clicking them in your inventory. There seems to be a bug with activating them at the moment because you can't just make it active: you have to make it both active and unhidden. Then it will turn on and you can hide it without removing the color. We'll look into making them work without this extra step though.
Thank you and congratulations on the new staff!!!

Would there be uses for the mailbox collectible or will we be compensated for them?
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Congrats Kaiaa! and thanks for the new board staff. <3
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