Blue Ogre Group

Yay! Wi-fi's working!!! =D

Oh, and i also nominate Knightlordco to join, if i'm allowed to nominate more then 1 person! =D
DirtyD said:
So far we are looking at 2 possible new members. Yourself and Knight
ohhhhhh "GREAT"
Knight is sogonna beat me...... :(
I hope there is still a chance...........isnt there? I HOPE I WIN STILLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!! FTW DYLAN!!
I might allow both of you, simply because you and Sarah cannot play simultaneously
Heyy.. Umm are we allowed to come early? Lol.

And what do we need to bring to the event anyway? =)
Just the normal stuff, net, rod mask...

You can come early... I am going to watch KK in a few min
you are lucky i wish i could havee come :(
I hope i get accepted i am even trying to buy a blue ogre mask off dirtyd in his auction :D
I'll BRB give me a few minutes as I'm watching KK again. Then everyone can come and we can start the event