Blue Ogre Group

If you aren't a member, please refrain from chatting in our thread. A good way to not be accepted into the group.

Then edit your post. No reason to triple post and spam up the thread
yeah you can come over Chris, we are just fishing and bug catching right now... I'll brb
guys never go to crazy redds i just saw a item hat was at nooks and i was waaaay cheaper and he said "no raccoon has this item cuz its CRAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZY!"
Rondny 101 said:
guys never go to crazy redds i just saw a item hat was at nooks and i was waaaay cheaper and he said "no raccoon has this item cuz its CRAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZY!"

Just lol.
Rondny 101 said:
guys never go to crazy redds i just saw a item hat was at nooks and i was waaaay cheaper and he said "no raccoon has this item cuz its CRAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZY!"
Can you please stop spamming this thread?
It wasn't me... =/

EDIT: sorry, i can't come back. Dylan wants to play Animal Crossing.
I dont know who did it... I'll be back in a few, I'll let you know when gates reopen