Blue Ogre Group

No I havent added you but I am not with my game right now. So it will have to wait. Cornman is the one holding the event. I will go over the applicants and who is going to be our next member
DirtyD said:
No I havent added you but I am not with my game right now. So it will have to wait. Cornman is the one holding the event. I will go over the applicants and who is going to be our next member
yay. =3
Actually, sorry to say but today's event kind of fizzled. We ended up going to Laneybaney's town to set up her party. I'm sorry :(
That's ok cornman.

We might end up losing another member or two. I know we lost a possible applicant. So we might have 2 spots opening up
DirtyD said:
That's ok cornman.

We might end up losing another member or two. I know we lost a possible applicant. So we might have 2 spots opening up
Who are the people that are trying to get in right now?
Yes try not to double/triple post. Keep single posts to a minimum the best you can please.

Also I would like to welcome Dylan to the group. He has been trying for sometime to get into the group and I'm glad to say he is finally a member. Thanks Dylan!
lol Guess who forgot to grab the game again when leaving this house this morning? Give up? ME!!! lol

If cornman is on tonight and able/willing to setup an event then we can have one, and I might be able to come to one tonight when I get home.
I might. I don't feel too good today, but I'm probably still going to school. If I feel up to it after school (and piano lessons) I might try to set one up. Otherwise, maybe let someone else set just this one up :)
cornman64 said:
I might. I don't feel too good today, but I'm probably still going to school. If I feel up to it after school (and piano lessons) I might try to set one up. Otherwise, maybe let someone else set just this one up :)
I think you're the only person, other than DirtyD allowed to host events though...