Blue Ogre Group

I know, but I was thinking maybe you could. I mean, maybe for just once he could let someone else do it (if I don't wanna)
Up to DirtyD... But I guess if he says it's okay, I could try and host one...
And like I said, if I feel good later I might start one. Otherwise, Sarah could just do one, whatever you decide.
Silverstorms said:
Can I host?

There's a meteor shower tonight :D
Yea. You can. I don't feel like hosting one right now anymore anyway. xP
My town's not good enough for the BOG. D=
There is still a spot left? O.O I though Dylan took it. o.o
I don't really feel like hosting right now, so one of you should be able to (Silverstorms in my opinion)
cornman64 said:
I don't really feel like hosting right now, so one of you should be able to (Silverstorms in my opinion)
Sorry. Me and the other guys in EPIC were getting a chat thread to page 1000.

Party today?