Last one for tonight. Going to sleep.
I like this little dude. Nice work on Chica, too! She's looking good so far.
Wow, you improved in such little time! The head and feet look really good! ^_^
Wow, really liking it!
I'm glad you got the attention you deserved on Reddit. I can see how hard you've been working, it's nice to see you be recognized in places other than TBT. It'll be fun to see you continuously improve in the future until you master 3D digital art, and see you improve further after that.
See I'm not a huge FNAF fan but these are definitely nightmare fuel, so I would say they are very successful. You really are packing a lot of detail in with all of those holes and wires and they look great for being horrifying animatronic contraptions. Good job Bowie, keep it up!
Fully textured!
Fully textured!