Bowie's Art Thread V2 ★ Digital Paintings, GFX, 3D Renders, Tutorials



Coloured or greyscale?


Modelling a random OC I found on Tumblr. If I ever get down to finishing it, I might show the guy what horrible things I've done to his beloved character.

In case you can't tell, it's supposed to be a bear. A really fat bear, at that. And yes, he has man boobs. They're supposed to be muscles but apparently my sculpting skills are still terrible and it was hard enough to get them looking remotely smooth enough to finish on.

There's just some neck work left to do, and then I can start work on the limbs!

The man (bear?) boobs have advanced.

I'm working from multiple different references here. Since it's a gift, I can't really ask for better views (which I'm pretty sure he will have) of this character. I think I need to focus on getting the stomach a lot bigger, so his boobs (I have no better word for them) look a little more natural, so to speak.

It'll look better with arms and legs, right?

I guess I'm gonna have a look and see if I can find any better references before I start work on the limbs, just in case I don't have to improvise as badly as I did with this.
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Are you working in Autodesk Maya? sorry if that's a stupid question.

I've done gamedesign for 2/3 years, and we always had to work with Mudbox, Maya, and something else.. in fact, a bunch of other programs. The best I could do was make a square house. It was really, really bad. In fact, I have a screenshot. This is almost 3 years ago, not a lot of expierence, but let's say this is about all I could ever do in all those years, which is a reason why I had to redo a year and eventually got kicked off, lol

Edit: It's supposed to be a lego model. A normal lego model. I like to call this work of art 'obesity', it makes me cry every time ;_;

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Are you working in Autodesk Maya? sorry if that's a stupid question.

I've done gamedesign for 2/3 years, and we always had to work with Mudbox, Maya, and something else.. in fact, a bunch of other programs. The best I could do was make a square house. It was really, really bad. In fact, I have a screenshot. This is almost 3 years ago, not a lot of expierence, but let's say this is about all I could ever do in all those years, which is a reason why I had to redo a year and eventually got kicked off, lol

Edit: It's supposed to be a lego model. A normal lego model. I like to call this work of art 'obesity', it makes me cry every time ;_;


Nah, I work in Blender. Most 3D packages work the same, though. I've watched a lot of Maya timelapse videos and it's always the same basic process. I've always wanted to try Mudbox but I don't really know if it's any good. Could you tell me a little bit more about it? All I know is that it's supposed to be good for texturing.

Honestly, that model is better than I could do. I've always had trouble with complex shapes. I personally think it looks really good! You should never give up!

Practice really does make perfect. Just look at this:

My first modelling attempt:


Weeks later:

Ahh, I think we had to work in that too.. and I can't sadly, because like I said, I skipped basically all my classes.. ;_; 3D is really, really hard. I did make a haunted house once which I was really happy with, but it's just so complex, drawing is more my thing, which is why I want to be a 2D artist/concept artist. What I did find practically easy to do in Mudbox, was shaping things.. you had a tool which works like molding clay? so you could really make detailed stuff, on my first try I made a pretty cool wolf head, I mean, I didn't know how to erase stuff, or how to change the brushes and everything, but with what I could do on the first 15 minutes, it was pretty cool.

I'm so jealous of people who can model and sculpt, i'm jealous of your stuff too, it's just soooo difficult and takes so much practice, I really like your work. When I see other people's sculpts, I just want to curl up and cry lol. Your first modeling attempt is really good too, my first attempt was like I said, a square house or something.. I had no f clue what to do, this is the reason why I'm gonna fail gamedesign when i'm gonna go back to college. :I

Do you have an online public portfolio or something with all your work in it?
Ahh, I think we had to work in that too.. and I can't sadly, because like I said, I skipped basically all my classes.. ;_; 3D is really, really hard. I did make a haunted house once which I was really happy with, but it's just so complex, drawing is more my thing, which is why I want to be a 2D artist/concept artist. What I did find practically easy to do in Mudbox, was shaping things.. you had a tool which works like molding clay? so you could really make detailed stuff, on my first try I made a pretty cool wolf head, I mean, I didn't know how to erase stuff, or how to change the brushes and everything, but with what I could do on the first 15 minutes, it was pretty cool.

I'm so jealous of people who can model and sculpt, i'm jealous of your stuff too, it's just soooo difficult and takes so much practice, I really like your work. When I see other people's sculpts, I just want to curl up and cry lol. Your first modeling attempt is really good too, my first attempt was like I said, a square house or something.. I had no f clue what to do, this is the reason why I'm gonna fail gamedesign when i'm gonna go back to college. :I

Do you have an online public portfolio or something with all your work in it?

Yeah, Blender has the same stuff. I believe the word you're looking for is sculpting. Mudbox seems to specialise in that department. The "grab" tool in particular has been a big help for me when modelling. Beats moving vertices by hand. I assume that's the same sorta clay tool you're describing?

It's kinda ironic because you want to be better at 3D and I want to be better at 2D. Look at my last few pages here and you'll see how determined I've been to make 2D art. It just doesn't work very well. I'm hoping to experiment more with 2D once I get better at modelling, so I'm not using other people's stuff to make my own (like with the Samus model, which came from Super Smash Bros.). They say that you're supposed to be good at 3D if you're good at 2D, but it mustn't be as simple as that, eh?

If you like, I'd be more than happy to help you model! Game design sounds like a lot of fun, and I'd hate to think you failed just because you didn't know how to use the tools. For me, that's all it was. Once I had the right tools, I knew what I was doing.

Well, I have a site ready for when I do start submitting my work, but for the time being there's nothing in it. I really want to get my first musical album out on there before I start posting 3D art. I don't know yet. I'm in a bit of a daze with my professional art life, so to speak.