Bowie's Art Thread V2 ★ Digital Paintings, GFX, 3D Renders, Tutorials


I guess my work is done here. I wanted to create a non-accurate, stylistic Samus model, and I've done that! Proven my ability. Now I just need to improve.

I am so incredibly grateful that I have made it into the "Weekly Gold Thread" on the Five Nights at Freddy's subreddit, with 150+ upvotes for the above image, which I posted only three days ago.

It means so much to me to get recognition of any kind. I've been doubting my 3D abilities a lot lately, and things like this just make me feel so motivated and energised.
^nice wallpaper, me like. also yeah the march/may picture.. you've really improved a lot and grats on getting on the list! :D

keep going, love all your stuff!

Still not sure about this grainy effect I've got going on.

For those who don't get what's going on in this shot, Bayonetta has confronted Samus and, with her own two guns drooping down, is admiring (perhaps mockingly) Samus' cannon.

My current project. Yet another Samus attempt.

I've decided that I'm just gonna keep doing Samus until it's perfect, because it's not perfect enough yet. I kinda messed up the mirroring, so I had to manually place the tube below her head on the other side.

Update. I know it doesn't look a whole lot different, but the smallest of changes are the biggest in the modelling world.
Ohh I really see you improved from the last time I came here. I also do agree with making tiny changes, the smallest details do change things.
That panel looks amazing. Is it a model paintover or painted from scratch?
That panel looks amazing. Is it a model paintover or painted from scratch?

Model paint over. I'm not really happy with it, hence why it's cancelled. Thank you for the kind words, though!

I don't like using other people's models, even if they're directly from their respective games. Not that I think I'm talented enough to model Bayonetta, though.


And here is the current progress of my Samus head. I've added sharp curves on the top, as my latest hard surface sculpting attempt. Using a new matcap, which is helping a ton.

So, to get a better understanding of Samus' shape, I decided to download a very old model of her. Just thought I'd share it with you guys, in case anyone was interested.