Brewster/Cafe Thoughts

The new rumor that they are working on Brewster now and are not sure when it will be done makes me wonder if Brewster was actually in the plans from the beginning or if they only decided to add him because of the outcry and/or popularity of the game. I've started to lean more toward the belief they didn't have many plans for updates after year 1 and are sort of making it up as they go along now.
I just want missing characters to return, or new characters to show up. NH is lacking in content. More substantial content, not just more items to keep in your pocket, is what I need. There just isn't much to do after KK shows up, other than terraform endlessly.
The new rumor that they are working on Brewster now and are not sure when it will be done makes me wonder if Brewster was actually in the plans from the beginning or if they only decided to add him because of the outcry and/or popularity of the game. I've started to lean more toward the belief they didn't have many plans for updates after year 1 and are sort of making it up as they go along now.

It's worth noting, in Ninji's initial datamines of v1.0.0 he found

* Redd would dock a boat at the north beach and sell real/fake art - Ended up being true
* Museum would upgrade to include art - Ended up being true.
* Possible evidence of a museum shop, and the museum cafe - NOT YET TRUE (Museum Cafe is looking more and more possible)
* Shrubs - Ended up being true
* Vegetables ( tomato, wheat, sugar cane, potato, carrot, pumpkin ) - Somewhat true, we got pumpkins
* Deep see creatures - Ended up being true
* Diving to get said sea creatures - Ended up being true
* 3rd Nook's Cranny upgrade - Not yet true (could have been our current shop with RS tent being the 1st)

If I recall correctly though, versions in-between v1.0 and v1.10 had removed code reference to the Café. So it's possible Nintendo scrapped the idea, and brought it back due to complaints, or Ninji's datamine had made Nintendo more cautious over leaving spoilers in the code.
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It's worth noting, in Ninji's initial datamines of v1.0.0 he found

* Redd would dock a boat at the north beach and sell real/fake art - Ended up being true
* Museum would upgrade to include art - Ended up being true.
* Possible evidence of a museum shop, and the museum cafe - NOT YET TRUE (Museum Cafe is looking more and more possible)
* Shrubs - Ended up being true
* Vegetables ( tomato, wheat, sugar cane, potato, carrot, pumpkin ) - Somewhat true, we got pumpkins
* Deep see creatures - Ended up being true
* Diving to get said sea creatures - Ended up being true
* 3rd Nook's Cranny upgrade - Not yet true

If I recall correctly though, versions in-between v1.0 and v1.10 had removed code reference to the Café. So it's possible Nintendo scrapped the idea, and brought it back due to complaints, or Ninji's datamine had made Nintendo more cautious over leaving spoilers in the code.

I think I had just assumed that most stuff from those early datamines was finished or close to finished and they were just waiting to release it based on some schedule they had put together to prolong the lifespan of the game.

The rumor that they put the Halloween stuff in early because they don't know when the cafe is going to be done makes it sound like there was quite a bit of work left to do on it. I'm sure the development team is working hard on it, but if they are still working on the cafe now, I'm not sure what this means for any updates beyond the cafe.

I'm less optimistic about future updates just because it feels like the updates are being worked on in real time (rather than things they had already finished and were just waiting to release). I would be happy to be wrong about that though!
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Like everyone else has said Cafe and Brewster will not do much to save the game. I know everyone is wanting this and with due respect I get why they do, but we need to be real here. If the update was to come will it do enough to get people back into the game? Here's the thing we haven't had any new DIYS lately. The only last ones I can think were the Rainbow Feather from the Festivale event back in February 2021 and of course 3 new Halloween DIYS, but still that just doesn't seem to be enough.

I know everyone loves seasonal items, but in all honestly is that what you really expect when you think about an update? The only "big" update we had last time was the Sanrio update back in March 2021. When you think about it had more content to it. You have 6 villagers and you can get their furniture sets. The only issue is that they were locked behind a pay wall meaning that you needed to have the sanrio amiibo cards to get them. Since then there really hasn't been a major update in a long while, so all we got was just more seasonal items and sure when the Fireworks Event came we did get new Food Items which was a nice thing don't get me wrong but that still wasn't enough.

To get back to the topic we have to ask the question, Will Brewster and Cafe be enough to get people back into the game? In my honest opinion I would say no. I mean you can make the argument that it will give us something new to do, but consider this. Will it have new Furniture Sets? Will it have new DIYS? Those are things that can make this become a "big update" if it were to happen. I am not against the idea don't get me wrong I like what I'm hearing so far, but again I am still remaining skeptical until we hear from Nintendo themselves from a Twitter Post or a Trailer on YouTube that will show what the update is and if the Datamines were telling the truth.
I think I had just assumed that most stuff from those early datamines was finished or close to finished and they were just waiting to release it based on some schedule they had put together to prolong the lifespan of the game.
This is what I had been thinking about the updates at first, I was sure they had some schedule they were trying to keep. For awhile now it seems they really didn’t have one or they just keep changing it. I don’t know anything about adding things into the game but it sounds like Brewster is giving them some trouble and maybe that’s why they might have thought about not bringing him back.
I personally think it's more "they ended up putting it on the backburner to focus on the things that were more immediately important, like holidays", going by the fact it turned up again a year after being removed.

However, I do think that (at least) the past couple of updates were put together around about the same time, possibly even over 6 months ago, going by the fact that the ID for the most recent one's 11, and 1.10.0 was 12 (in the same way that 1.2-1.4's IDs are all out of sequence, too), purely to buy themselves more some time to properly focus on Brewster and the other crops, as well as the stuff that they've been at the very least messing around with over the past year, like special characters who've had IDs updated, or whatever the hell the features that call for villagers to wear school uniforms or business clothes are, and we're going to start seeing this stuff added into the game in the coming months.
I'm not crazy about Brewster and to be honest, adding a museum café/shop alone won't revitalize the game for me. I'd like to have him just because I know it would make a lot of other players pretty happy, though.
I personally think it's more "they ended up putting it on the backburner to focus on the things that were more immediately important, like holidays", going by the fact it turned up again a year after being removed.

However, I do think that (at least) the past couple of updates were put together around about the same time, possibly even over 6 months ago, going by the fact that the ID for the most recent one's 11, and 1.10.0 was 12 (in the same way that 1.2-1.4's IDs are all out of sequence, too), purely to buy themselves more some time to properly focus on Brewster and the other crops, as well as the stuff that they've been at the very least messing around with over the past year, like special characters who've had IDs updated, or whatever the hell the features that call for villagers to wear school uniforms or business clothes are, and we're going to start seeing this stuff added into the game in the coming months.

I think Covid really upset their plans for the game, as their design team likely faced the same workplace pressures as the rest of the world. They likely already completed the 2020 updates ahead of shutdown, but larger content for 2021 was pushed out until the team could return and work more effectively together. That is my working theory anyway.
I honestly don't care about what purpose Brewster serves. I just want gyroids to return. It was fun hunting for them after it rained the previous day in NL. I used to collect them and have a gyroid exhibit in the museum. Brewster is interested in gyroids according to in-game lore so I'm hoping at least maybe the Brewstoids return or someway unlocking them via Brewster.
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I don't really get why people want the cafe so bad. Like the only reason I'd "want" or "expect" it is because it was in past games. But does it even add anything? Getting coffee is useless. In NL working at the Roost was cute and fun at first but just became one of those daily chores to do.

Like, people can build their own coffee shops outside or in a house. How is that really different from what we'd get? Because in the end the cafe is all show and no substance. Doesn't add anything to the game, imo.

Is it just cuz of Brewster? Because that's a poor reason to bring him back. He needs a function, preferably one more interesting than we've seen previously. Same reason I don't care about the pelicans not being in the game. They'd need to add something to the game, something new and fresh, otherwise there's no point.
I have to agree with the gyroids being brought back. I’m not sure why they were removed to begin with. I would love to have some nebuloids to use around my island. I thought gyroids were cool to collect.

I don’t really mind what purpose Brewster actually serves. He’s definitely a cool character though.