What are you trying to say about Karen here, Punchy?
Wait what plan are we talking about and y are we talking about it?
I want the least people to die as possible. If ghost refuses to unvote, Karen might not have the time to unvote me. Honestly it's really stupid to do that as a blue role, so that would eliminate the possibility of a blue role dying. (Referring the last sentence to Karen volunteering) I'll be really pissed if Karen or Ghost are a PR.
I want the least people to die as possible. If ghost refuses to unvote, Karen might not have the time to unvote me. Honestly it's really stupid to do that as a blue role, so that would eliminate the possibility of a blue role dying. (Referring the last sentence to Karen volunteering) I'll be really pissed if Karen or Ghost are a PR.
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Read the thread. A theory is that the people that voted me are being killed. For that reason, we asked for volunteers, hopefully not PRs to vote me. Karen volunteered. That way, if the people killed are people voting me, only one other person dies and catastrophe avoided.
Read the thread. A theory is that the people that voted me are being killed. For that reason, we asked for volunteers, hopefully not PRs to vote me. Karen volunteered. That way, if the people killed are people voting me, only one other person dies and catastrophe avoided.
I did want you to be more involved. I didn't want you to feel left out.Ok im going to bed(i was gonba quit this game earlier because i was frustrated about me not playing well enough but i feel like everyone has encouraged me to keep trying and i promise ill see this game through.) Also if your reading this ness im town leaning u
Oh well it isn't *shrug* my death is inevitable. The plan for everyone else is to vote themselves. (Off topic again, don't vote yourself in any other circumstance.) I want everyone to keep their eye on the NKs. If Heyden isn't killed by my bomb, She could possibly be killed from the doublevoting. If the doublevoter is scum, the target of the doublevoter could be killed. Basically kind of like kingmaker, but whoever's kinged is killed. Another farfetched theory that I want to get out there.Fine as long as i know ur getting lynched i wont vote...but i know ur role claim is BS and no one is changing my mind
I feel like this might be a mistake
We still have time to discuss everything. So... We don't need to rush this.I feel like this might be a mistake
I don't, I think this is a really good idea.
You better flip mafia, or you will make us waste a lynch.
Ok so I totally haven't done this twice, at this point I think it's a lynch for information. Even in my role pm it states not to die, but at this point my death is needed.
I would if I could.I'm still catching up but I'm sorry, WTF is this ? "Even in my role pm it states not to die, but at this point my death is needed."
Can someone other than Punchy (no offence, I just need perspective from a different source) please explain to me what kind of Town role could possibly have such a condition upon it? A role that includes the instruction *not to die* would normally just be a Survivor or something, right? An instruction / warning not to DIE included in the (bizarre) Blue role Punchy has claimed is legitimately ominous and frankly, I cannot reconcile it with a Town-sided role.
Also, I am alarmed at the apparent resignation shown in the end of that sentence ... Punchy has demonstrated a lack of coherent understanding of how their role works in basically every post they've discussed it. I can absolutely see a theoretical Town!Punchy not being aware of all the implications of his role and making a sub-optimal decision because of that, but that is just such a jarring juxtaposition (DO NOT DIE ; MY DEATH IS NEEDED) .. I don't get it.
If punchy's claim is fake and he's really mafia, all my suspicions on you will be dropped. (assuming you live ofc)
I think antonio should vote as well since he's been relatively inactive. Unless punchy's willing to vote himself?
If anything I'll take a risk and vote him, but I'd prefer not to. :'<
Great. Here is number 2 !
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Oh **** what does visiting do exactly ? Automatic kill ?
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ooohhh I see
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So Antonio and KermitsTea have volunteered. Now we just need the thread open.
I sort feel like this might imply the possibility that Kammm might be mafia. :/Kammm You're doing an awesome job, especially for your very first game - you're a natural!
I just want to point out though that Ryumia has been consistently happy to vote for their own potential lynch (even needing to be convinced to remove their self-vote when votes were close during the (iirc) Tom lynch. In context, I do not see her willingness to put herself at risk by voting Punchy to be indicative of her alignment.
Is that scenario, of Punchy flipping as Mafia, is that result the only reason you plan to drop your sus of Ryumia?