Whats your thoughts on all of this?
Tbh, I have a lot to do tomorrow, and I can't afford to be distracted by this ISO, so I'm just gonna post what I did so far. If anyone wants to pick up where I left off (somewhere around post #700 or so?) that would be great, if not maybe I'll finish it Thursday or something.
So, without further ado...
Beginnings of a Dad ISO ft. special recurring guest star glow
-First two ?google doc? posts ? I really don?t know what to comment on? As other people said there really aren?t any stances, just summarizing what happened in the thread.
Aside from the point about Punchy I just don?t like his case on Ness. It feels like was looking too hard for things that were wrong with him. Like sussing him for specific things he said while on mobile is just a bit weak imo.
This is post #388 in the thread. Pretty early to start bussing if they?re on a team.
I agree with Dad here, and it especially looks bad bc Dedenne flipped town.
Also agree with Dad here. Points to Dad for calling out Tom once again, minus points from glow for not even mentioning him at first and then defending him. Also I missed this before but Tom apparently trying to ?buddy? with Dad for a Ness lynch makes me think even more that Ness is town.
I agree with glow on this point however, and yes Dad I see that you already defended yourself on it.
The frustration in this post strikes me as towny for some reason.Ya'll can laugh at me for crying about how nobody is listening to me but I feel like I spent my precious free post-work hours interacting with glow to develop my reads on her, I think I got some pretty manipulative answers out of it which are masked in assertiveness that she is known for, and nobody even provided much of a read on her except Dolby.
I'm going to try my best not to tunnel, but I am hella gonna have to blow this up a bit more, because glow set this lynch on the table and it seemed to steer the direction of the lynch towards what, again, was a weak target. AND GLOW DIDN'T EVEN VOTE. WHY? IS? NOBODY? READING? GLOW? She clearly could have voted.
Anyways, gotta do some patrolling at work, just wanted to get that off my chest real quick.
Just kinda leaving this here since I feel like more ppl are gonna investigate mog/Karen now
Note that he airs sus of Dolby but doesn?t take the opportunity to jump on the wagon and save Tom.
Hopefully there's something helpful in what I did so far? There was more about Punchy but it's irrelevant now
a majority of this thread is filled with bs and so im not gonna look through it all but I got some nice rxns to ponder about
Uhm, can you blame us ? It was Penchy who mentioned something about a bomb and if he was mafia, worst case scenario was that it was going to kill Town players allowing the mafia team to win.
By the way, I don't think you should completely disregard the players who actually voted for Panchy because the mafia obviously knew he was BS'ing more than we did. Making it easier for them to actually vote him and encourage a mislynch.
Also, try to refrain from posting just a few names because it will help the mafia decide who is the most likely to get a mislynch on so they will most likely purposely be left alive in the game.
Ya, N e s s you voted yourself too so why are you surprised we did ? Why did you vote yourself ?
I get thrown into this group unfortunately, but tbh I am slightly more sus of people that voted Punchy rather than voting for themselves with that being said if only because I can see mafia being worried about Punchy being a bomb and not wanting to touch him throughout the game at night because of that, so a lynch is a convenient way of getting around that.
@Ness: Personally I think it's a mix between people who were afraid of the bombing thing and people who voted Punchy anyways. Not just one of the two. During the Punchy situation I like both yours and Kayla's vibe in the uncertainty of the situation.
I think out of this situation I would like to look into Vanessa because of her initiating the 'slip' moment, intensity regarding it, and a general vibe I get about the authenticity of her smaller moments of uncertainty during the situation. And KermitTea quietly acting sacrificial in a way that doesn't demonstrate much stance making but caters to town's ideology in a way that can enable coasting through a day without providing much content to look into.
I get thrown into this group unfortunately, but tbh I am slightly more sus of people that voted Punchy rather than voting for themselves with that being said if only because I can see mafia being worried about Punchy being a bomb and not wanting to touch him throughout the game at night because of that, so a lynch is a convenient way of getting around that.
why did you remind me of all the reasons i sussed dad
rereading this and it bothers me so much that he was pointing out reasons to find tom scummy but twisted it as a reason to sr me
he disregarded everything i said. like at least i gave my explanation for why i didn't find tom scummy, but here he clearly sussed him? yet only pursued me??
also the tom/dad interaction was so awkward yikes
The thing is he isn't mafia. Therefore the entire defense/thought of "I was worried that if he was mafia he was going to kill us!" is completely negated now.
I'm not completely disregarding people who voted punchy and I never said that. I'm not planning on leaving this discussion here either, because I intend on doing things tomorrow to figure out who mafia is based on what has happened.
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lol nice saying exactly what I said was gonna happen
Lmao punchy turned out to be telling the truth.. I would be surprised but honestly nothing is shocking to me atm since my bf of 2 years broke up with me a few hours ago. :')
Sorry guys I'll try to be active but I'm feeling really emotionally drained rn and might not be able to contribute until tomorrow if I'm feeling better..
I'm trying to take a detour from my tunnel on you don't trigger me to go back down that path pls. Hell yes I sussed you even more than him at that time because I had more content to draw conclusions on than Tom and I also aired that if you flipped red I'd see Tom as your partner because of that moment where you decided to not sus Tom over 'tone' but sus Oath over his. I called out the buddying attempt by Tom right then and there so I don't see how it's awkward but okay, werk.
alright but anyway
did u actually play epic mafia or is lightkeeper an actual role elsewhere
Well telling the whole thread ur rxning was a bad move now everyone knows ur gonna do it and probs not act the way they would have if u not said that.
but what if it’s actually not a rxn ans what if this is a rxn to a rxn or if it’s not ooh mindblown
Lmao punchy turned out to be telling the truth.. I would be surprised but honestly nothing is shocking to me atm since my bf of 2 years broke up with me a few hours ago. :')
Sorry guys I'll try to be active but I'm feeling really emotionally drained rn and might not be able to contribute until tomorrow if I'm feeling better..
1. What is your timezone? Est
2. How active will you be this game?...uh...ig ill be here...enough
3. Preferred pronoun? BOI PRONOUNS
4. Do you prefer being town or being mafia? Eh town ig
5. How do you handle pressure? One time during a timed test i stood there paralyzed looking ar it
6. Which player(s) in this game can you read the best?
7.Which player(s) in this game can best read you?
8. How many games have you played? Zero
9. Who would you fearkill N1? ...fearkill?
10. Will Ness answer this RQS? Okey?
Theres a mafia chat?
Im mostly reading for now to get an idea on whats going on
Little by little im learning
I think punchy is town hes trying to hard to cover that fact up...unless thats his plan all along.
Noobery, or something more? Definitely a little bit of a scummy post here. ?I?ll just wait and see as I slither in the shadows and ponder?hmm?? A hallmark of ghost is that he often has posted about his activity and given excuses for his not being in the thread. Might as well address that here because quoting each ?I?m going to bed? type of post won?t be too useful. I personally feel those posts are a slight towntell for ghost, cuz (a) the last time we hyper sussed someone over posting like that, they were vanilla townie in BoTW (forget their name rn cuz they never came backIm just gonna watch for a little bit seeing what needs to be seen.
His response to ILY after ILY said ?yeah, I don?t have confidence in Ghostkid being a good town player for the endgame.? Dumbtelling? I feel ?endgame? is a rather self-explanatory word. Slight scumminess imoUr implying something i dont yet understand...hmmm
Another interaction with ILY, who just dinged ghostkid for minimal activity. More alarm bells as this again emphasizes his very passive nature at this point. But this could also just be overwhelmed, noob town. Not super conclusive, but rn I?m definitely thinking ghostkid is not deserving of a universal townread IMOIm just watching everyone eles mostly to see how this gsme goes.
Very interesting, did scumbuddies help him out? ILY asks how he learned about mafia games and this is his response?Ok everyone im here and i know more about the game so im gonna read the new posts and give my opinion on everyone in the since of what group i think they are
So Wikipedia and the history of the game. Ooookkkk well that doesn?t tell me much. Could it have been prompted by scummates? Hard to sayTo awnser your question...wikipedia...also i read the hisyory of the game very interesting btw.
Ok heres what i think keep in mind these are not what i confirm just what i think
Punchy: im leaning twords mafia...he did get a little defensive it seems near the begining...dont know why though. But ill keep thinking on it
Ness vs Toads: Oh ho! Quite a ruckus you two made. Heres what i think i believe they are more close to town. Ness more so than toads tho. Ness did keep more of his cool during these arguments. But in the end i belive town for these two.
Tom: mafia. Idk about it but im going with my gut with thus one...not that ive seen him post enough to tell.
Everyone eles: so far i belive every one else is neutral at this point no one besides the ones above have stood out to me.
Nothing triggers gut feeling they just come naturally
When Kammm pressured him on using gut instinct to make his read on Tom. Notice how Ghostkid immediately walks it back, kind of sort of. Wishy washyI did also say that he didnt post enough to tell
He doesn?t say who, or why, just that he thinks some people are doing this. Again, perhaps he knows who and why?I think a few people here are using reverse psychology tbh
His comment on fireninja. Again with the vagueness and lack of positionHe seems a little bit sketchy...but im not gonna full on say hes scum
Uh yeah duh? Stating something for the sake of stating it?Wait isnt the point of the game if one is mafia not to act suspicious so they dont get lynched? If so thats a bad move.
Sheeping on Kamm again, when she said ?let?s move on from FN/punchy.? So what?s happened between FN being ?sketch? and ?eh, let?s just leave him alone?? shows he?s not putting much thought into his readYea i think that ll be best
So far my read list hasnt changed much...but im putting FN twords a possible mafia
Theres that and the not disclose thing on ur RQS...uve been acting ssuspicious ?.?
Do you think he could actually be a jester this time?
Ok, these actually show him reconsidering his FN read and for a decent reason. Slight town pointage accrued.It fits your description all right.. third party...trying to put himself on the chopping block. I might reconsider him being mafia...but for now ill put him at a null/3rd party category.
Shows aloofness, a disconnect from the thread, and idgaf about my reads?ay yi yiIm not entirely sure tbh i actually forgot i said this lol. So i guess for now ill retract this statement. Im going back to bed for a couple hours.
Translation: ooh ooh look at me I said something good! I contributed!!!See i did say he didnt post enough
?so when did we lionize ghostkid as some hero who helped lynch Tom? Here he?s VERY mealymouthed and says ?eh, he?s null, but idec if he dies?Id say hed be null right now...but he dosnt care if we lynch him that also puts him in the catagory as joker
He straight up admits sheeping and says ?I thought he was scum before, but now he might be TP?eh nvm he might be null.? ??? I mean, not many people just admit to sheeping like that, but again?could that be part of the plan? It?s worthy of note that GK is STILL only commenting on TWO PEOPLE in his ?reads? ? Tom and FNOk im going to update my read list for a couple of people.
Tom: i said he was mafia before but that was mostly me agreeing with other people because i didnt know any i want to believe hes possibly joker...he keeps saying he wants to be lynched...but...he still might be mafia...a joker wouldn't want to just come out and say he wants to be lynched. Tho people will know hes a joker and not lynch say hes null for now.
FN: id say hes the real joker possibly...hes acting suspicious with the not disclosing stuff in the RQS and the trolling hes either bad mafia or a joker.
I dont know say tom...but punchy or FN could also be canidates
Ok i made a vote...since even if i vote tom or Fn or punchy antonio is getting the boot so ill go Antonio
That?s not a good way to play. Vote for who you want lynched, not who everyone else wants lynched.
Fine ill vote tom.
I like pokeymanz, but this is irrelevant and useless and just contributes to noobishness, potential Bianca?ingGeez im Afk for 10 mins to scan qr codes for Pokemon US and the thread is flooded.(i got hat pikachu btw and his z move is awsome....ok back to the regulary scheduled post) is EOD always like this?
Wait...i thought going with your gut was bad.
After toad said he?d vote for Jacob?two problems. (a) GK has been going with his gut all along (b) people told GK that what he was thinking might be wrong?so guess what he did? He changed his opinion with no real reason.Not really going with ur gut is the same with everyone tbh...but going with ur gut is taking a risk though...better to use logic
This was after Ness said he wanted to die. Not sure if this is serious or not, but I?m assuming it is. It?s an odd post and the first time GK mentions Ness. Oath did reply to it, poo-pooing it, but aside from that I don?t see any other interaction on this postNess jester confirmed
Heyden unjester confirmed
Hmmmm...tom was lurking here putting him as a sus
Lets see what he had to say before we draw any rash conclusions.
Tom did vote himself tho...either he REALLY dosnt want to play and is just being a troll...or hes being bad scum to save other more importaint mafia roles...
These are GK?s posts about tom before some other irrelevant fluff. Decent I guess, and he did get it right on tom, but at this point a lot of people are getting mad at Tom for not posting, and perhaps scum chat is in full fledged panic over Tom?s absence. Again, where did we all get this idea that GK is some massive anti Tom hero?Im probobly gonna change it anyway. I still think hes scum tho. But untill he speaks im leavin it
Decent question I suppose, could be fishing for a target to save Tom but I doubt that. Probably just trying to look helpfulWait what happened to trundle? I havnt seen him in a while...
All done
Your dear old pal wad also thinking of hitting the hay for the night
I have created a record of your adventure to this point
Good night sleep tight.
We'ere a great team arent we?
Well you should just turn the power OFF instead of pressing RESET.
All right?
(Lol gn guys)
im not trying to be rude or anything, but can u keep posts not related to the game to a minimum? they could be interpretted as you saying things for the sake of looking invested
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o and it floods the page with posts that dont contribute to the game, derailing discussion
Defending Antonio?eh decent point, except we know Antonio had seen what a blue role isWell maybe he didnt hear about them last game or didnt fully understand what they were?
Dad said:This is like the umpteenth time Ghostkid has posted in the thread to explain that he is going to bed, saying they will be back later to check up on the thread, etc. He's not as blatant to saying he is also promising to come back with reads but it harkens back to the very reason glow suspected Dedenne and she's not doing the same with GhostKid. And glow thinks her approach is never wrong so that means she wasn't wrong about reading into frequency as connotation of scuminess.
honestly i haven't read any of that guys posts ngl
This post from dad caught my eye, since he brought up GK?s ?bye I?m leaving posts? and related it to glow. Assuming glow is scum, GK is an extremely likely teammate based on this interaction, cuz glow instantly distanced herself from GK. If glow is town, though, I think the scum case is independently strong enough on GK. Also note the casualness with which GK says he dropped punchy from consideration and swapped in AntonioTbh my reads hasnt changed that much...i dropped punchy and added antonio tho because of his scumslip
When dad asked GK about dolby, glow, and yours truly. This post is honestly kind of town indicative since it?s a level of honesty you don?t usually see from a new scum. New scums are usually afraid to say anything that will make them look bad, and here GK just out and out says he?s not really handling the info bombs all that well. But note the wishiwashiness again, nulling three players all at once and offering no explanation as to whyI think they are null for me right be honest i find it difficult to process all this information that you all dish i just skim read most of it...
Again, I can?t imagine scum GK saying thisIm coasting because im still confused about they saving myself from embarrassment.
Hello amanda
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If people get replaced do they keep the original role?
So im guessing its unfair to keep any suspicions of them...not that the orignial person who had the role had that much to suspect anyway
There?s the anti Tom lion!! Again, context is key here. Tom?s widely sussed at this pointIm sticking with tom for now hes high on my sus list
Agrees with me that we?d be lynching tom over inactivity, not so much actual scumminess. That?s pretty key. It shows that GK doesn?t actually think Tom is scummy, but is feeling pressure (probs from town and maybe scumchat saying to bus)Well thats the reason im voting for him...should we just wait till he gets not sure we have anymore people to replace him with
Cuz of speculation that Tom might get MK?d. This isn?t ?saving? Tom per se. Idk if this is AI given the speculation at the time about MKingAll of you have convinced me. Im un voting tom
After dolby asked GK to not unvote tom cuz that would put Dolby in the lead for votes. A very strange reaction if you ask me, but it does show GK is trying to think things through. Very small town pointsIDK if i should take that as a possible town/scum lean...and if i should...which one?
After glow makes some comment that she thinks dad, dolby, and her are all town. Very odd comment?idk what GK was thinking or how that minor post from glow would confirm that?Wait did you just confirm that your town?
More dumbtelling? Again, why wouldn?t GK ask this in the scumchatI thought saying that your town or mafia was an automatic modkill for saying ur faction.
KIm just gonna keep a vote on tom.
After being asked who he?d vote for if Tom weren?t an option/getting MK?d. Generally a sheepy opinionId probs vote antonio
HMMMMMMMMMMMog didnt seem that suspicious to me...give kermitea a chance
Noob town or scum here, either way it?s lowkey adorableU speak when spoken to scum. Im trying to hard to act like i know what im doing in this game
I see what ur putting down evan now its time for my awful excuse for a defense...its probs not gonna help me tho.
I actually did read the wiki after a few hours in the game mainly to get the hip haps of the game... Ill even give the artical link. Also yes i have been been saying when im getting off or when im going to bed because ive seen other players asking people like antonio where have they been so i do it to get you people off my back....then again no one has ever asked me where ive bern so i see peoples annoyance with it..