your heart is a museum of everyone you've loved
1. What is your timezone?
2. How active will you be this game?
pretty active i think
3. Preferred pronoun?
4. Do you prefer being town or being mafia?
mafia i think
5. How do you handle pressure?
not well
6. Which player(s) in this game can you read the best?
i don't know
7. Which player(s) in this game can best read you?
i don't know
8. How many games have you played?
this is my first one
9. Who would you fearkill N1?
tom bc hes a nerd
10. Will Ness answer this RQS?
why are you asking me
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whoops forgot pronouns are she/her
2. How active will you be this game?
pretty active i think
3. Preferred pronoun?
4. Do you prefer being town or being mafia?
mafia i think
5. How do you handle pressure?
not well
6. Which player(s) in this game can you read the best?
i don't know
7. Which player(s) in this game can best read you?
i don't know
8. How many games have you played?
this is my first one
9. Who would you fearkill N1?
tom bc hes a nerd
10. Will Ness answer this RQS?
why are you asking me
- - - Post Merge - - -
whoops forgot pronouns are she/her