Introduction said:I thought of a game. The main goal is to get the other pair's "flag". There will be 3 rounds, and you have to capture 1 "flag" to win the round!
Rules said:{:1:} 3 rounds. Each round a max time of 15 minutes.
{:2:} No outside items allowed, except Gold Axe, Silver Axe, Axe, Shovel, Silver Shovel, and Gold Shovel.
{:3:} Each player will be given 3 Pitfall Seeds to use at their disposal.
{:4:} No going outside the boundaries of the arena.
{:5:} Max team size is 4, but only 2 members per match.
{:6:} Sportsman like behavior.
{:NOTE:} Suggestions will be appreciated.
Additional Information said:{:1:} There is currently no tournament for this, but if this is successful I will make a tournament.
{:2:} If you decide to do this too givve me credit for the idea.
{:3:} Don't flame this thread please.
Current Members said:{:1:} Tj
{:2:} Royal
{:3:} Silverstorms
{:4:} Cornman
{:5:} Mowhawkien
{:6:} Sammy
{:7:} Arceus
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