Splatoon Carbon Roller and Custom Dual Squelcher available tomorrow

Wait, so you can't roll over & splat the enemy? They just don't get splatted or what? O.O I don't think I'm going to like it then, but we'll see!

You have to use the button to flick ink to kill them. If you try and roll over them it just... Doesn't work. I think if you happen to roll into them to multiple times is might kill them. I haven't tried it though.
Yeah, it's speedy, and seems to ohko with flicking ink everytime. BUT no rolling over the enemy anymore, which I think give the krark-on the edge to me. I'll definitely use it every so often though.
Not much of a fan of the inkzooka though, and I miss being able to set my own spawn points, I use them fairly often on bellyback. Also the burst bombs disappointed me when I hit someone in the face at close range with one and they survived. 3: I would have been better off flicking ink at them and instead they got me.
Yeah I don't really like the Inkzooka.
Burst Bombs would be too good if they killed in 1 hit, they come out so fast. 2HKO is still pretty good though.
Flinging ink only kills at close range, it doesn't really do anything if they're pretty far away.
Wait, so you can't roll over & splat the enemy? They just don't get splatted or what? O.O I don't think I'm going to like it then, but we'll see!
You just bounce off the enemy like when you try to run over someone with the brush. But flinging ink still kills in 1 hit at close range, and it comes out fast enough.

The Custom Dual Squelcher is also pretty fun, but the maps it's choosing are terrible for Squelchers, so I'm waiting for the Mall or something like that yo see how good it really is.
Ah really? I was excited for the Carbon Roller, but I definitely like rolling over someone once better than over once.
Inkzooka on a roller? I thought most people used rollers because they don't have great aim?
I finally got around to trying the carbon roller today, and I have to say... I quite like it. You can cover a ton of ground really quickly, which is awesome. I got confused between the inkstrike & the inkzooka though, so was mildly disappointed by the special. :( You may not be able to roll over people right away, but if you flick them, then roll over them, it works pretty well. It's also fast enough that you can escape attacks as if you know you can't kill them.

I'll probably alternate it with the krack-on roller depending on the map/game mode. It's definitely not a good choice for ranked, since ranked is focused on a much smaller area & kills, but I like it for turf wars.

Inkzooka on a roller? I thought most people used rollers because they don't have great aim?
This is so good. I basically just swing the camera around and fire like a maniac, hitting nothing 99% of the time.