Cats or Dogs please be honest

Cats or dogs?

  • Dogs

  • Cats

  • I don't like both

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I love both cats and dogs and all animals. Horses, chickens, ducks, cows, you name it. They're all cute and lovely in their own ways.

I have two cats that I've saved as starving strays. I love them both. Cats are a bit more independent and that is great for someone like me who is out at work all the time. So they can do their own thing when I am at work and I don't have to worry about them. They still try to test my patience by running up trees and then going 'Help! I can't get down! :('
I don't mind cats, but I wouldn't want one myself. I'm definitely a dog person. I have always preferred dogs over cats even before I got Blossom.
For me it all depends on the breed of the animal. I like dogs a bit more than cats but it’s typically the small to medium breeds that I like. But I am also fond of Manx, Sphinx, Japanese Bobtail, Siamese, and calico cats.
I prefer cats, but I like both of them a lot. I think cats just match my personality more though in general. Sometimes dogs seem to be a bit overly energetic. I have autism, snd it's a bit stressful and overwhelming if I visit someone's home and they have an energetic dog that keeps running around, jumping on me, licking, and such. With cats, they usually approach me more slowly, gently rub their head against me, purr, calmly curl up in my lap... I find their company more soothing. Calmer and more gentle dogs are great though as well, and I don't dislike the energetic ones, they just overwhelm the senses
I adore both, but I'm more familiar and comfortable with cats since I grew up with them, whereas I've never had or lived with a dog. My mom is a massive cat lover and isn't happy without them, so there's almost always been at least one cat in my household at all times. In my entire life (22 years), the longest my home has ever been cat-free is 34 days.

As much as I adore dogs, I don't think I ever want to have one myself. They're more expensive and more high-maintenance than cats (unless you have a cat like Bonk LOL), and with how low energy and fatigued I am 90% of the time, I don't think I'd be able to keep up with a dog. I also don't see me ever living anywhere but in an apartment, and I'd feel bad if I didn't have a backyard for my dog to run around and play in. Cats match my personality and lifestyle better!

I hate when people try to compare cats and dogs by saying dogs care about their owners and cats don't, though. Every animal and their personality will be different, but cats 100% care about and love their owners!! Bonk would be lost without my parents and I tbh (and us her). 🖤
I like them both but that wasn’t given as an option. ;)
I love my cat for snuggling but I have been wanting to get s dog for so long. Its too hard to find housing for dogs though.
i preferred dogs originally, but have noticed that i'm starting to like cats a little more and hope to maybe own one in the future. they're just too cute!!