Cats or Dogs?

Do you like cats or dogs more?

  • Cats

  • Dogs

  • Like both equally

  • Don’t like either

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I love them both!! We currently have two cats because dogs require more maintence that isnt feasible right now but I adore them. I love how sweet and loving they are and I love taking them out for walks. I also love how dogs are (generally) more snuggly!

With my current kitties I absolutely adore them. They are more chill than dogs are but still very loving! Neither of them are lap kitties but they do come over to get pets and they like to play and sit outside with me in the warm weather.

I can see why people may prefer one to the other - I find the energy level to be quite different between them but that's not a bad thing. It makes me really sad when people say all cats are mean and stuff cause I find that's just not true!! They are also full of love and affection they just show it differently than dogs.
I'm a cat person all the way. I'm a big lazy myself so cats match my energy more. I do understand the dog appeal though, I always grew up with dogs at home and they definitely have a distinct energy that can be nice to have around. I would never want to own a dog of my own but I do like to dog sit for friends and family sometimes.
I love living with both of them equally, but prefer taking care of cats since getting them to get attached to you feels more "earned" from taking longer and they're lower maintenance. My cat has a urinary condition (not fatal) and needed surgery before I got her, but all I have to do is feed her specialty food, clean her litterbox, keep her water full, given attention every now and then, and take her to the vet regularly. Everything else she does herself.

Meanwhile my dog needs to be brushed every day, groomed every three weeks, taken out to go every two to three hours, fed, given water, be near me or my mom at all times since he's too attached to us (and especially her), and be played with since he gets hyper multiple times a day. I love him immensely and think he's the cutest dog I've ever seen, but it is tiring sometimes. He'll probably be the last dog I have myself.
I like cats more than dogs. I like some dogs but I realized owning one isn’t my calling. I’m not sure if owning a cat again would be that much better. I guess I’d just rather visit a cat cafe than anything haha
I am gonna be honest, I just am not a fan of pets in general. For me, being pet-less is ideal.
My mom is allergic to cats, so we've only ever had dogs. I was scared of dogs at first, but have come to like them quite a bit over the past 15 or so years. Especially once we started getting smaller breeds. I now do not ever see a future for me without a companion dog.