Celebrating 10 Years of TBT

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Almost been here two years. I remember the pre-hype for ACNL...Seven months of hype. Y'all nubs don't know what that was like :p

Kind of weird realizing that I've been here this long, and with the forum being around 10 years, it's like, imagine what was going on that long ago.

See y'all in another 10 :p
So what are you celebrating after 10 years of The Bell Tree? Friendships? AC villagers? Collectibles? Mayhem? Post your celebrations in this thread and the best ones will be put in the banner!

Please consider including the beautiful and heartfelt one written by Kaiaa at post#63?
It need to be stickied somewhere in HQ or Bulletin so more people can read about it.
Thank you! C:
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[dons pilgrim hat]
im thankful for all the ig bells ive made thank you all

Wow! I share a birthday with tbt!

s a m e
[goes to profile]
ur young and should not have a tumblr
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I just typed this big old message and now it's just gone! That sucks. Oh well, happy 10th birthday TBT! :D
Happy 10th birthday TBT. A decade of anything is amazing so congrats and I hope you have many more birthdays<3
happy 10th anniversary everyone!!!! (and thank you chibi for the mention!!!) i love you all <3333333333
and many grats to kaiaa for getting out of that terrible relationship :'3!!! <33333
I would like to celebrate the community. The things this place has to offer would be nothing without the kindness of the many fabulous members of the community. You're all great!
Happy Founders day! I've only recently started being active here, but it's great here. Looking forward to the Fair & birthday of course. :)
woot woot, happy 10 years TBT <3
This place is amazing, I've made so many friends here, the community is fantastic, there's so many amazing and kind people here. Hope TBT has many more birthdays!. And thank you to Kaiaa, you are amazing for sharing your story.

also fair hype woo
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